Feeling anxious, stressed, or worried? You’re certainly not alone. Modern day life and the pressure to get ALL the things done can take it’s toll on your stress levels and overall well-being. Fortunately nature can have our back in these moments! This Bach Rescue Remedy review will explain how flower essences can help relieve stress quickly and help balance your emotional well-being in times when you need it most.

Flowers Used Medicinally to Ease Stress
While there is a whole world of flower essence therapy out there, I find that many people have never heard of it, so let’s start with a little background info…
Back in 1928 an English doctor by the name of Edward Bach began experimenting with the idea that remedies prepared from the flowers of wild plants, trees, or bushes could play a role in maintaining health and recovering from illness.
Originally trained in orthodox medicine he began to see the clear connection between the mental and spiritual state of an individual and their physical state of health.
Health depends on being in harmony with our souls.
Edward Bach
Recognizing the limited scope of only treating symptoms Bach began pursuing his passion as a doctor of homeopathy, developing 38 flower essences, each addressing a specific emotional and mental state. His patients began using the various remedies with immediate and successful results.
Rescue Remedy is Dr. Bach’s combination of five flower essences designed for difficult and demanding situations that can cause stress or trauma.
Rescue Remedy is Helpful for These Types of Stressful Situations:

- When suffering a panic or anxiety attack
- Meeting a deadline at work
- Before a meeting or interview
- Before a public speaking engagement
- Before taking an exam
- When you are anxiously awaiting news
- If you have received sudden bad news
- Family upset
- When you’ve lost a loved one or a pet
- Immediately after a traumatic event such as a car accident, or physical injury
The formulation of Rescue Remedy is ideal for moments of stress when you’re feeling uptight, bothered, or overwhelmed. But if you find yourself reaching for it on a daily basis, it may be a good idea to look into the full spectrum of 38 individual remedies to hone in on particular flower essences that may suit your current state even more specifically.
And keep in mind, it’s likely for remedies to change depending on emotional states you’re currently experiencing.
How Safe is Rescue Remedy?
Bach flower essences in general are used by medical and alternative health practitioners, psychotherapists, counselors, healers, dentists and veterinarians worldwide.
Rescue Remedy is a safe, gentle, non-habit forming remedy and does not cause side effects. It has no interactions with other medications and can be taken on its own or beside other medical treatments.
the gentle action of this flower essence remedy makes it safe to take for all ages, from babies (try the kids formula) to the elderly. Pets benefit greatly from it too (there’s a specific pet formula as well).
Not only is it safe, but a study published in 2007 performed at the University of Miami School of Nursing found Rescue Remedy to be an effective over-the-counter stress reliever with a comparable effect to pharmaceutical drugs minus any side effects or addiction.
Choose the Form of Bach Rescue Remedy That’s Right for You
There are a variety of Rescue Remedy forms to choose from (see them here):
- Drops – My favorite, just add 4 drops to a small glass of water or under your tongue
- Spray – Just 2 sprays right on your tongue
- Pastilles – Lozenges in plain or black currant flavors, dissolve or chew one as needed
- Pearls – Dissolve one tiny pearl capsule on your tongue
- Kids – Alcohol Free, 4 drops in a glass of water or on child’s tongue
- Pets – Alcohol Free/Veterinarian recommended, 2 drops in drinking water or rubbed on ears or pads of the paw – it works awesome on my cat, great for traveling, moving, vet visits, and thunderstorms.
- Cream – Apply to hands, body, and face for cuts, burns, bruises, stings, bug bites & skin conditions
- Gel – Cooling for tense, tired, and stressed muscles
- Energy Spray – With Olive added to restore energy when you’re physically and mentally exhausted
- Sleep – Drops/Spray/Liquid Melts for occasional sleeplessness caused by stress/repetitive thoughts
Once you try Rescue Remedy you’ll love reaching for it as part of your natural arsenal for a quick and effective way to relieve stress that often comes with a variety of overwhelming circumstances, or traumatic events. In the most unpredictable moments of life, this remedy can really come to your rescue!
Have you tried Rescue Remedy and how has it helped you? Let us know in the comments below!
I really like the squirrel at the top of the page it puts some humor into your site. That takes some stress off right there.
Thanks Leighann! Great, so my little plan worked haha, I was hoping it would relieve some stress…if you think that’s stress relief you should definitely try Rescue Remedy, it relieves stress leaps and bounds above that little squirrel!!! Laughter and Bach Rescue Remedy two of the best stress relievers there are :)
Hello here. It is interesting that I stumbled upon your article. I bought Bach remedy with Honey suckle one yearago.
I did not started till now. It is going expire on July.
After reading your blog, I decided not wait longer and use this liquid.
Previously I used pastilles. I felt calmer and more confident. No side effects or bad taste. I liked them.
Some people told me that these remedies work because there is a placebo effect. What do you think about it?
Thanks for the good read, all the best, Nemira.
Hi Nemira! Thanks for sharing your personal experience with the Rescue Remedy pastilles, they are a popular one and nice to keep in your purse, car or desk drawer for those stressful moments at work. I would love to hear how the honeysuckle works for you.
While there are always people that will try to discredit natural remedies, and although everyone will experience them differently, personally I just listen to what my body tells me and go with how they make me feel. I’ve had really good success with flower essences and in your case, you experienced a more calm and confident state which certainly doesn’t sound like a placebo effect to me =)