An earache can be really a painful thing, ranging from sharp to dull or throbbing and can be constant, or come and go. Bad enough for adults and worse for little guys, in whom it’s more common. Top of the list for after hours calls when I worked in Pediatrics, and most commonly prescribed antibiotics for. I’m going to share a natural remedy for earache but before I do I’d like to share something else with you.
As I look back it’s interesting to remember how the Pediatricians I worked with really tried not to prescribe antibiotics even though most parents insisted, coming from a place of reasoning that they just couldn’t stand seeing their child in so much discomfort or pain and wanted them better asap.
Although earache is a common symptom of ear infection, not all earaches are caused by an ear infection.
Viral vs Bacterial Ear Infections
Not all ear infections are bacterial in nature, some are actually viral caused by respiratory illnesses like colds and flu and clear up pretty easily on their own. Which is why some physicians and both the American Academy of Pediatrics and American Academy of Family Physicians have encouraged a “wait and see” period of 48-72 hours before administering antibiotics for an ear infection.
Even the CDC notes the potential harmful side effects of unnecessary antibiotic treatment, contributing to more antibiotic resistant bacteria within the body. This is why you see kids that have had antibiotics for one ear infection continue to need more.
There are, however, more severe cases where your child is not improving or getting worse after 72 hours in which cases antibiotics may be required.
Almost $3 billion is spent on the treatment of acute otitis media (middle ear infection) in preschoolers and younger children in the U.S. annually, not including ear-tube surgeries. For more information on symptoms and things to keep an eye out for with earaches see this article. For more on ear infection basics, prevention, natural options and the efficacy of ear tubes see this article.
How to Stop an Earache and Speed Healing
So, you’re looking for how to soothe an earache at home, you’ve assessed it to make sure it’s not an absolute emergency and have decided to wait it out…now you want to know what to do in the meantime to alleviate the pain, and possibly even ways to relieve an ear infection, if it’s acute.
I, along with tons of people have experienced remarkable results and rapid relief with the use of garlic oil as a natural remedy for earache.
Garlic is a natural antibacterial, antiviral, and antimicrobial. It’s also antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. So it has the ability to kill the virus, bacteria, or germs in general as well as reduce ear swelling and pain. I experience immediate pain relief with garlic ear oil.
Olive oil has antibacterial and antiviral properties to fight infection and polyphenols (antioxidants) which help with inflammation and cellular repair and can have a soothing effect on the swollen tissue in the ear, easing pain.
Coconut oil is a natural antibacterial, antiviral, antimicrobial and antifungal, and aids in healing of skin tissue.
This is a simple and cost effective way to make homemade garlic oil for earache using ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen that effectively work to reduce pain and speed healing. Works stinkin’ great every time! Actually, I thought it would be a lot stinkier than it is but puttin’ up with a lil’ stink short term isn’t so bad if it makes the pain go away right?!
*Important Note* In the case of a perforated, torn, or ruptured eardrum (signs include pus drainage) DO NOT place garlic oil or anything else inside the ear.
How to Make Garlic Oil for Earache

- 1 large clove of fresh garlic, minced
- 2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil OR extra virgin coconut oil
- Heat olive oil OR coconut oil in pan over low heat until hot to the touch
- Add minced garlic, cover with a lid and remove from heat
- Let stand for 30 minutes to infuse
- Once cooled enough but still warm (test on inner wrist), strain through a coffee filter (you don’t want bits of garlic getting in the ear) and pour into a dark glass bottle with dropper
- Apply 2 drops in the affected ear and repeat as often as needed
- Store remainder of bottle in fridge for up to 3 days, warm before each use by placing entire bottle in warm water and shake well before applying
Like I said – works like a charm as a pain reliever and infection fighter. I hope this makes getting rid of your earache much easier and it’ll be your new go-to remedy!
A Ready Made Alternative
This garlic oil earache remedy is super effective but if you don’t want to make your own there are some great ready made alternatives (like this one) that can easily be stored for longer periods of time.