Get Your Daily Dose of Radical Self Love

Get Your Daily Dose of Radical Self Love

When I learned about “Radical Self Love” naturally, I had to share it. In her video, Gala Darling shares how she transformed her struggles into something really awesome. Her message truly gets to the heart of the matter of self esteem and inspires empowerment for all girls and women to reach a place of choosing to be happy within themselves, instead of focusing on external appearance. See the powerful message here!

Get Your Daily Dose of Radical Self Love

Living in a media driven society, girls are inundated with social media pictures, magazines, TV shows, and movies that tell them they should be skinny and beautiful. It’s gotten out of control with the explosion of social media and the “invention” of the selfie. We now have access to millions of people uploading photos every second with the click of a button.

Long gone are the days where the picture you took with a camera was the one you got. Period. Like it or not. There was no option to edit, or even see it until it had been developed. Yep, you got to keep the one where you had that goofy look on your face, or you were shoving food in your mouth, or my favorite: the one where I look like I have a double chin! Special. Way to date myself, huh?! It’s the truth though. Good thing I’m still young at heart.

Fast forward to today where all day long young girls have access to celebrities posting insanely beautiful pictures of themselves with hair, makeup, and nails all perfectly done, and totally photoshopped to the max. And girls, it’s no different for us women. The pressure to look good is the same.

The difference is that as we grow into women we wise up a bit and realize that all of this superficial crap is just that…fake. Even “beautiful people” wake up without makeup, have bad hair days, and have bunions (we’ve seen those showcased on the internet, which is just sad people) listen I’m all for exposing the truth but even celebrities have feelings so why do people have to be so cruel? I don’t get it.

Anyway, the point is that as women we start to learn that there is no way that we will ever realistically be able to measure up to the stereotype of the skinny gorgeous 6 ft tall size 2 model. Perfect in that sense just doesn’t exist. If it did we would never be able to be perfect enough. Ever.

And better yet we start to learn that there is much more value in being gorgeous and fabulous on the inside. We learn to focus on the more important things. It’s about time ladies. Who wants to join in a competition for the best selfie anyway. Not I, that’s for sure. This woman ain’t got time for that.

The Sad Reality of Low Self Esteem

In her video Gala Darling shares a few statistics:

  • Less than 4 percent of women would call themselves beautiful
  • Young girls are more afraid of being fat than they are of getting cancer, nuclear war, or losing both parents
  • A study in the UK showed that 6 out of 10 girls thought they would be happier if they were skinnier
  • In a study of 455 college women 80 percent of them said they had been told negative things about their body from their parents and siblings

She points out: “Low self esteem is a major problem especially through woman. Woman with low self esteem are more likely to stay in abusive relationships, less likely to start their own businesses, they’re more introverted, and earn less money than their more confident counterparts.”

Breaking the Cycle – Creating Your Version of Perfect

As Gala points out she believes that women are fierce creatures, and I definitely agree. We are smart, strong, and beautiful no matter what. The good news is that more and more women are becoming positive role models for younger girls, and their peers for that matter. There is more of a self esteem, self acceptance, self love movement going on than ever before.

The bottom line is there is no cookie cutter version of the perfect woman. You are the perfect woman. The perfection really lies in the uniqueness that each of us has to offer. That which makes us different is that which makes us beautiful. Quirks and all. We should learn how to embrace them.

Another beautiful message of self love that gets me everytime is Pink’s song Perfect. It’s like she’s having a heartfelt conversation and pleaing with herself and all women to be gentle with themselves and show themselves some love. When you listen to the words you can see that it’s true, we’re all perfect. Just the way we are. So why do we do that? And it’s so important to have that internal dialogue to remind ourselves.

May you always…

follow your bliss, love yourself, and say yes to the adventure of life.

Radical Self Love Manifesto

If you love this message, please share it with all your mothers, sisters, daughters, and girlfriends. Together, let’s continue to spread the message of self love and show girls and women everywhere that we can continue to create a band of empowered women who feel beautiful in every way.

8 thoughts on “Get Your Daily Dose of Radical Self Love”

  1. Hi, Jess, that is a very powerful and inspirational article to all girls and women. It is all true and that also makes it sad. I tend to blame society for the way that women have been made to feel about themselves over the centuries.

    We have basically gone from being totally subservient to trying to find ourselves in modern times, where we are hit with the negativity from the media.

    I will definitely point all the females I know to your site to learn how to experience some radical self-love.

    Best wishes.

  2. I am head over heels in love with this website! What you are trying to do here is so important, and you are doing it very well. I will be sharing some of your posts with some people in my life who could really benefit from it.

    1. Thanks Kim! I am head over heels in love with you Beautiful woman! I so appreciate your kind words :) Thank you for sharing with more women, the more that take on radical self love the merrier. Let’s continue creating a strong band of women who are a force to be reckoned with :)

  3. It is so important we love and accept ourselves for who we are. I have struggled with this for years and your site has really helped to encourage me to keep working on loving myself. Thank You!

    1. Thank you Camille! It can bring great comfort to know that you are not alone in your feelings and struggles, although I know sometimes it may feel like that. Many of us have had the feeling of not being beautiful or perfect enough and it sucks. But you are, we are, each and every one of us. Keep having that dialogue with yourself, may I suggest you memorize the words in Pinks “Perfect” song and sing it out loud and to yourself all the time :) Please feel free to revisit my site as often as you like, I will try to keep it filled with inspiring stuff for you. You deserve radical self love!

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