Wake up Sunshine Smoothie

Need a Boost? Say YES to Mornings With a Wake Up Sunshine! Smoothie

Is a coffee jolt your typical M.O to power through your day? If you’re up for an all-in-one breakfast + boost, try this power-packed wake up sunshine! smoothie and enjoy some nice smooth energy.

Wake up Sunshine Smoothie

Since I started making this smoothie I literally crave it every morning…the taste and the way it makes me feel…so much so that it’s actually become our staple morning smoothie – which is saying a lot coming from someone who’s not so much of a morning person and tends to get bored with the same thing everyday.

I look so forward to and loooovvvvee my morning chocolaty goodness in a glass.

The Mr. and I both agree that it helps us begin our day with a boost of clear energy, brainpower, and a good mood. Not only do we have confidence in all the fantastic plant-powered nutrients, healthy fats, and superfoods, you can totally feel the difference, and that’s the part we really love. Plus it holds us over nicely for a solid 3-4 hours, which is super important.

You get additional mood and hormone support, and energy from the adaptogenic root maca, and the amino acid glutamine is great for healthy gut and muscles.

I get a lot of people asking what’s in this smoothie, so I figured it’s time to share, but before I do, I think it’s important to share a few things about how I make it…by the way, it’s a great booster anytime you need a pick me up, and great for post-workout too.

A Few Key Things About Making a Wake Up Sunshine! Smoothie

First off, I’ve posted the ingredients based on smoothies for two, which is how I usually make it, so you can halve or scale up ingredients based on how many servings you want to make.

Some of my favorite plant-based proteins are Vega, Sun Warrior, and Garden of Life. There are lots of positive reviews on these and I wouldn’t sweat the negative – expectations on protein powders always make me sigh, it’s a protein powder for goodness sake not a gourmet beverage, and I’ve tasted some pretty icky ones – these are not it. This smoothie taste really darn good with any of these, so don’t be scared ; )

Keep in mind that the amount of scoops vary depending on the protein, so the 2-4 scoops (for 2 servings) in the recipe are not set in stone – it depend’s on the serving size of the particular protein you are using.

Chocolate is my favorite and berry is the Mr’s so we mostly alternate between the two. It’s also fun to throw tropical, mocha, and other fun flavors into the mix, and the nice thing is that the other ingredients work well with any flavor of protein you choose.

Plant Based Protein Powders

I brew yerba mate loose tea for this – both green and roasted work, I love the benefits of additonal energy, focus, and weight maintenance, but you can opt for plain filtered water instead. Either way, this nutrient-dense smoothie is made to keep your energy steady.

If you choose to use mate, you’ll want it cooled down enough so you’re not left with a warm or hot smoothie (unless you like that), so I brew mine first thing in the morning, or sometimes the night before.

It really takes but a few minutes to whip this baby up, especially after you get a routine down. But if throwing stuff into a blender isn’t your thing, these protein powders all mix up nicely with some dairy-free milk or water in a shaker cup, and taste great too. Two ingredients, that’s it, so don’t let the blender stop you now.

Oh, and to make this a weight loss smoothie you can omit the banana and cut the sunflower or almond butter in half, and here is a great protein powder formulated for weight loss.

Ready to wake up sunshine?! Try this smoothie and you’re on your way to awesome!

Wake Up Sunshine! Smoothie

serves 2

Wake up Sunshine Smoothie


  • 8 ounces unsweetened dairy-free milk (almond, coconut, hemp, rice)
  • 2 Tbsp yerba mate loose tea brewed in 8 ounces of hot water
  • 2-4 scoops plant-based protein powder, or recommended amount of particular product (Vega, Sun Warrior, Garden of Life, or your personal favorite)
  • 1 banana
  • 2 Tbsp coconut oil
  • 2 Tbsp sunflower butter OR almond butter
  • 2 tsp gelatinized maca root powder (or recommended amount of particular product)
  • 2 scoops glutamine powder (or recommended amount of particular product)


  1. Brew yerba mate (either when you first get up so it can cool for a bit before making your  smoothies – alternatively you can brew it the night before and store it in the refrigerator)
  2. Blend all ingredients together in a high-speed blender and enjoy!

Notes: For a thicker consistency, try peeling and freezing your bananas in chunks before adding them to your smoothie (which I often do), or adding a few ice cubes.

For a thinner consistency, just add more water.

This is the basic recipe but you can modify it to fit your needs, for instance, if you take any other powder or liquid supplements that are okay to add to the mix, it’s a great way to simplify and get everything in one shot. One less thing to remember!

Pure Nutrient-Dense Smooth Energy!

Incorporating this smoothie into your routine is a great way to boost your energy, mood, and productivity, plus your body will reap the benefits of plant-powered nutrients all packed into one easy and tasty beverage, minus the jitters and caffeine crash…

Just pure smooth energy!!!

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