You stubbed your toe, your kid took a spill on their skateboard, your teenager got injured during practice, ahh the joys of everyday bumps and bruises, a not-so-fun-not-so-pretty fact of life.
Ever notice how bruises seem to happen at the worst times, like when you’re about to spend the week in shorts and a bikini at the beach on vacation? Or just in time for that sleeveless dress you’ve been looking forward to wearing to that epic event?
But bruises can do much more than just cosmetic damage, they can cause swelling and be pretty painful too, depending on if they result from a minor bump or an injury such as a sprain.
The other thing about bruises is that they seem to take forever to heal! And once the pain part is gone it seems like eons before the discoloring disappears. So..is there anything that can heal a bruise faster?
Arnica for Bruising and Swelling
When it comes to natural remedies you may have heard of arnica for bruising, swelling, and injury. Arnica Montana is a perennial similar to daisies, native to the mountains of Europe and Siberia and cultivated in North America.
Medicinally this plant has been used since the 1500’s topically to help provide relief from things such as muscle aches, inflammation, and injuries such as bruises and sprains. It can also be taken internally as a homeopathic remedy for the same purpose.
Why a Boiron Homeopathic Medicine Review?
I have been using Boiron Arnicare Gel for years, and still every time, it works like a charm.

For instance, the other day I accidentally kicked some storage boxes really hard and hit my pinky toe just right (Ow, Ow, OW!) Yep, that’s what I yelled :( and the pain started to remind me of about a year and a half ago when I broke my pinky toe (yes, the same one) by jamming it into the metal leg of a stool (really hard again – is there a theme here?!), so I grabbed my trusty Arnicare Gel and gently rubbed it all over my toe and surrounding area.
Fortunately I could tell I didn’t re-break my toe, but man I got it good, and for sure a bruise was a brewin’ so I applied the gel two more times later that day and once before going to bed.
Results…da da dum…no bruising, swelling, or pain at all the next morning. For reals….amazing! Not even kidding.
We are two (put nicely – accident prone) but really – a little klutzy individuals at our house, so we use Arnicare Gel all the time and always take it when we travel. It’s a permanent first aid remedy for us. Our relationship with it goes something like this: you love me and I’ll love you back.
Another Very Real (and Really Painful) Moment

Another testimonial that comes to mind is the time I got a little ahead of myself trying out an Indo Board (a wooden board that sits on a roller for balance training) and took a spill, landing hard directly on my elbow (no the floor wasn’t padded – go figure) so essentially, I landed on concrete. It hurt so bad I couldn’t even yell (unheard of for me) and it started to swell and bruise faster than I could’ve anyway.
I’m not ashamed to say although I tried to be tough I may have shed a little tear that time :( I’m fairly certain I chipped a piece of bone but having a hunch that besides pain meds and maybe a splint, the doctor would tell me it would just need time to heal, once again I opted for my trusty gel instead.
This was one bad bruise, but with daily application (3x per day) of Arnicare Gel it faded within a few days, the swelling went down quickly and my elbow looked normal again within two weeks. It was still relatively painful to put any pressure on my elbow months later, but that’s a whole other story when you’re talking a possible chipped bone. Arnicare Gel does not claim to heal chipped, fractured, or broken bones. But it did keep true to it’s basic claims.
Arnicare Gel Claims, Features, and Directions

It claims to: Temporarily relieve muscle pain and stiffness due to minor injuries, overexertion and falls. Reduces pain, swelling and discoloration from bruises.
Other features: Quickly absorbed by the skin, non-greasy, unscented and paraben free.
Directions: Apply a thin layer of Arnicare Gel to affected area as soon as possible after a minor injury. Repeat 3 times a day or as needed.
It’s also recommended by doctors, plastic surgeons, dentists and pharmacists as part of post-surgery recovery, and used by professional athletes. For the ultimate combo, you can pair Arnicare Gel or Cream with Boiron Arnica Montana Oral Pellets to help speed recovery.
The gel is clear, doesn’t leave a residue (so no stains), absorbs almost immediately, and is truly odorless.
Results depend on how quickly and how thoroughly it is applied. I have the best success applying it immediately after the incident – ASAP. STAT. I also recommend, along with the actual site of the injury or pain, to get good coverage of the area surrounding it. This allows the remedy to really penetrate all areas that may have been affected.
Of course, it’s not always feasible to apply it straightaway, but fear not, I still experience speedier overall healing when applying it at any stage of bruising, swelling, or injury. If your expectations are reasonable you will see reasonable results.
A few last important notes: Although this particular homeopathic remedy is a highly, highly diluted version of arnica please be advised that those with allergies to ragweed and related plants, including daisies may have an allergic reaction to arnica. And it should not be applied to damaged or broken skin. Also if you intend to use arnica as a pre/post surgery treatment it is best to speak with your physician first.
Say Goodbye to Bruising and Swelling With Boiron Arnicare

When used correctly, homeopathic Arnica is a safe and effective way to treat bruising, swelling and minor injuries. In my experience, it reduces healing time for bruises and minor injuries tremendously.
It is my absolute “go-to” and number one recommended remedy for bumps and bruises. An essential holistic remedy to have in your first aid kit. A must have for all medicine cabinets of the world!
If you want to get rid of bruises fast and speed recovery time of minor injuries try Boiron Arnica Gel.
Think you might add this to your natural medicine cabinet and first aid kit? Do you have any favorite natural remedies for bruises and minor injuries? Share below!
This looks like a really handy and helpful product. From reading it looks like it’s very diverse for quite a few simple injuries. You are right it definitely feels like bruising can take a long time to heal. I have a sprained ankle at the moment, would you recommend this arnica cream for that?
Absolutely this would be great Matt! Sorry to here about your ankle – as you read in my post I feel your pain – been down the injury road quite a few times! It hasn’t failed me yet and always helps the injuries heal much faster by taking any bruising and swelling down quicker. Would love to hear your results should you use it!
Hi Jess,
What a lovely site and the article is just what I was looking for. I don’t know what happened, but my daughter called me and when I turned around I suddenly got stuck with my neck. I think I have a torticollis. Do you think that the Arnica creme is a good remedy for torticollis?
Thank you very much
Thanks Daniella. Ouch! Sorry about your neck. Arnica is very effective for all sorts of strains and sprains. Applying it at least three times a day will help you get the best results. Good luck and hope your neck heals soon :)
i like your blog, its great ^_^
Thanks so much Fatima! Abundant health and happiness to you :)
This article made me smile, also reminded me of my not so coordinated daughter. She’s one of those people who seems to bump into everything. So bruises pop up all over.
Her love of shorts and tank tops is famous in our home, but due to bruises she hesitates. Arnica sounds great, maybe I will have to keep some around.
Thanks for the smile and of the article.
Happy this brought a smile for you, Jagi! It seems me and your daughter have something in common! Sounds like she could certainly benefit from some Arnica :)