Exploring the Chakras for Healing

Exploring the Chakras for Healing

Energy is all around us, and within us. Today we will be exploring the chakras, our internal energy centers, how they relate to healing, and how we can address any imbalances we might be experiencing.

Exploring the Chakras for Healing

Within the subtle body, there are seven major energy centers located along, or just in front of the spine, along an energy line called sushumna. This line travels from the base of the spine to the crown of the head, and is the central channel of the energy centers, the chakras. Chakra is an ancient Sanskrit word which translates to wheel or disk, and we can see the energy being illustrated as such, disks or wheels of glowing light over each chakra, many times represented as lotuses.

The glow is a nice representation of the movement of prana, the invisible vital life source that acts as swirling vibrations within each of these seven chakra energy centers. This prana is what keeps us alive. Each chakra is a seed for our physiological, psychological, emotional, and spiritual states of being, governing our nervous systems and endocrine glands.

When our chakras are aligned our prana flows freely and we are vibrant and healthy.

When our chakras are open for this vital prana to flow freely in our sushumna, or central energy channel, we experience great feelings of joy, and tremendous peace of mind – a natural state of intoxication. From here, you can start to ignite your latent subtle/consciousness energy – kundalini – heightening personal self-awareness to the point of limitless expansion. Kundalini yoga helps you to achieve this through the use of postures, breath, and mantras. Learn how to ignite your kundalini energy in this video.

We can most definitely create this stable state inside ourselves, even if it is a challenge with the constant state of flux between balance and imbalance modern day stress has our bodies in. This is where awareness comes in. When our mind, body, and spirit are connected we become more aware of blockages, giving them the attention they need. Once we clear the blockage, more energy begins flowing, opening up a greater flow, and alignment in other areas as well.

For example, someone has just gone through heartbreak in a relationship, and they develop a respiratory illness. The illness didn’t attach itself to the body through a virus or bacteria, the energy in the heart center has become affected on a deeper, more emotional level, literally causing a physical illness. If the person realizes the connection between the heartbreak and respiratory illness, healing will occur much faster and more extensively if they honor their feelings, and pain associated with the heartbreak and clear the energy along with treating the physical ailment.

So, what are the seven chakras and their meanings?

Exploring the Seven Chakras and How to Align Them

Ideally our instincts work in harmony with our feelings and thinking, but as this awesome little video clip from an animated children’s show explains, “life gets messy” and this is usually not the case. Many times, some chakras are under-active, causing others to become over-active, and then it’s time to open up the under-active, or blocked chakras and cleanse them so we can get our energy flowing harmoniously.

The First Three Chakras of Matter

Starting at the base of the spine to the rib cage, the first three chakras are more physical and instinctual in nature, and as such are considered the chakras of matter. Opening these first is the foundation for opening the rest of the chakras.

Muladhara-Root Chakra

First – ROOT/BASE CHAKRA – stability, security, basic needs

Sanskrit: Muladhara (mula = root adhara = foundation)

Sanskrit Symbol Meaning: ambition

Location: base of the spine, pelvic floor, tailbone, and the first three vertebrae

Element: earth

Color: red

Sense: smell

Deals With: instinct, connection to the earth, survival, physical identity, self-sufficiency, stability, ambition, sex drive, abundance

Physical Organs: lower digestive and excretory, adrenals, kidneys, bladder, prostate, bones, teeth, nails

Emotional and Physiological Imbalances: feeling ungrounded, insecure, fearful, nervous, anxious, resistant to change, greedy, indecisive, obsessive, alienated, and may experience rage, anger, addictions, and phobias. Blockage in the root chakra prevents the release of grief, sadness, and guilt making your energy become “stuck”, preventing you from moving forward in life

Physical Signs of Imbalance: weight gain (or loss), eating disorders, pelvic pain, prostate issues, problems with the colon or bladder, lower back, sciatica, hip, leg, varicose veins, or feet issues, depression, anxiety, sexual dysfunction

Balanced Root Chakra: feeling grounded, centered, secure, committed, having strength, energy and vitality, strong digestion, healthy sex drive

Open and Heal Root Chakra

Activities and Sensory Therapy: yoga, walking barefoot in nature, earthing, gardening, squats, kegel exercises, aromatherapy, eating red foods, wearing red

Mantra and Elemental Sounds: LAM, thunder/quaking earth

Yoga Postures: grounding poses like mountain, warrior, side-angle, triangle, squatting, bridge, easy, child’s, standing forward bend, hamstring and quad stretches

Crystals and Gemstones: red and black stones including garnet, red jasper, rhodolite, ruby, black tourmaline, bloodstone, obsidian, smokey quartz

Essential Oils: cedar, cinnamon, clove, ginger, myrrh, nutmeg, patchouli, vetiver

Svadhisthana-Sacral Chakra

Second – SACRAL CHAKRA – creativity, feelings, pleasure

Sanskrit: Svadhishthana (sva = self adhishthana = seat)

Sanskrit Symbol Meaning: desire

Location: base of the spine, above the pubic bone, and below the navel

Element: water

Color: orange

Sense: taste

Deals With: pleasure, sexuality, creativity, desire, emotional identity, connection to others

Physical Organs: sexual, upper intestines, stomach, liver, gall bladder, adrenals, kidneys, pancreas, spleen, auto immune system, mid spine

Emotional and Physiological Imbalances: over emotional, low self-confidence, irritability, blame, shyness, guilt, low libido (or sexual obsession), control, power, lack of creativity, lethargy, eating disorders, dependency issues, addictions

Physical Signs of Imbalance: tiredness, lower back pain, sciatica, pelvic pain, kidney and urinary issues, hormonal imbalances, gynecological problems, menstrual problems, infertility, sexual disorders, digestive issues, gallbladder problems, immunity issues

Balanced Sacral Chakra: strong intuition, vitality, stamina, prosperity, feeling friendly, humorous, compassionate, sexual, having a sense of belonging and satisfaction

Open and Heal Sacral Chakra

Activities and Sensory Therapy: yoga, hula hooping, dancing, anything that sparks creativity, being in water, baths, anything that engages the senses, eating orange foods, wearing orange

Mantra and Elemental Sounds: VAM, ocean/rain/waterfall

Yoga Postures: hip opening poses like warrior II, reverse warrior, goddess, seated goddess, low lunge, pigeon, bound angle, cobra

Crystals and Gemstones: orange stones such as, orange calcite, carnelian and tourmaline, golden apatite, sunstone, peach aventurine

Essential Oils: orange, geranium, sandalwood, tangerine, Texas cedarwood, ylang ylang


Third – SOLAR PLEXUS/NAVAL CHAKRA – personal power, desire, inner strength

Sanskrit: Manipura (mani = brilliant as a gem)

Sanskrit Symbol Meaning: virtue

Location: just above the navel and below the rib cage

Element: fire

Color: yellow

Sense: sight

Deals With: our physical center, inner-strength, self- esteem, personal power, instincts and “gut” feelings, desire, thoughts, emotions, will, success

Physical Organs: upper abdomen, small intestines, stomach, liver, gall bladder, kidneys, adrenals, mid spine

Emotional and Physiological Imbalances: feeling powerless, passive, unable to make decisions, timid, lack of self-esteem, issues with self image and fear of rejection, uncentered, perfectionism, judgmental, domineering, aggression, anger, rage, hostility, lack of memory and concentration, sugar addictions

Physical Signs of Imbalance: acne, eczema, stress-related skin conditions, digestive/intestinal disorders including poor metabolism, indigestion, stomach ulcers, intestinal tumors, food allergies, colon diseases, pancreatitis, diabetes, adrenal imbalances, arthritis, low blood pressure, anorexia/bulimia, obesity, insomnia, depression

Balanced Solar Plexus: centered, relaxed, comfortable in your own skin and confident, physically connected to your “gut” feelings, decisive, mentally focused, productive, intelligent, energetic, good digestion

The energy of the solar plexus affects the other chakras and if aligned it has the ability to relieve many physical and psychological dis-eases or disorders.

Open and Heal Solar Plexus

Activities and Sensory Therapy: yoga, gentle massage of the abdomen in a clockwise direction, belly dancing, being/walking in the sun, sitting around a fire, eating yellow foods, wearing yellow

Mantra and Elemental Sounds: RAM, roaring fire

Yoga Postures: heating poses like sun salutations, twists like seated twist, abdominal strengtheners like boat pose, backbends like bow, child’s pose

Crystals and Gemstones: yellow or gold tone stones like, amber, aragonite, golden calcite, topaz, yellow citrine and tourmaline

Essential Oils: Balsam fir needle, bergamont, chamomile, frankincense, golden yarrow, lavender, lemon, myrrh, peppermint, rosemary

The Fourth Chakra – Integration of Matter and Spirit

Located in the heart center, the fourth chakra is the connection point for the lower chakras of matter and the upper chakras of spirit. The bridge for mind, body, and spirit. When the lower chakras are open, our physical nature is is alignment and we can then open our spiritual chakras more fully.

Anahata-Heart Chakra

Fourth – HEART CHAKRA – love, compassion, connection

Sanskrit: Anahata (unbeaten)

Sanskrit Symbol Meaning: compassion

Location: heart region/center

Element: air

Color: green

Sense: touch

Deals With: love, compassion, kindness, affection, trust, forgiveness, adventure, wisdom, stability, mental patience, relationships, emotional empowerment, issues of the soul

Physical Organs: heart, blood, circulatory system, rib cage, lungs, diaphragm, thymus gland, breasts, esophagus, shoulders, arms, hands

Emotional and Physiological Imbalances: difficulty with love, compassion, confidence, trust, forgiveness, and commitment, lack of hope, apathetic, despair, moodiness, fearfulness, envy, jealousy, anger, faithlessness, hopelessness, cold, distant, anxiety, smothering or suffocating with love (selfish love)

Physical Signs of Imbalance: thoracic spine, upper back, shoulder, upper arm problems, heart conditions, breast problems, shallow breathing, respiratory problems, asthma, pneumonia, lung disease, premature aging

Balanced Heart Chakra: feeling complete and whole, compassionate, friendly, harmonious relationships, empathetic, nurturing, motivated, optimistic, outgoing

Open and Heal Heart Chakra

Activities and Sensory Therapy: yoga, deep breathing, swimming (breast stroke), push ups, hugging, flying a kite or other activities that use wind, eating green foods, wearing green

Mantra and Elemental Sounds: YAM, wind/air blowing

Yoga Postures: heart-opening poses like low lunge, high lunge with shoulder opener, upward facing dog, cobra, camel, eagle, bridge, reclining bound angle

Crystals and Gemstones: green and pink stones like aventurine, emerald, green calcite, jade, and tourmaline, malachite, moonstone, rose quartz (for more, see my article on gemstones for self love)

Essential Oils: bergamont, eucalyptus, geranium, jasmine, lavender, marjoram, rose, rosemary, peppermint, tea tree

The Final Three Chakras of Spirit

Starting at the throat to the crown of the head, the upper three chakras are spiritual in nature, and as such are considered the chakras of spirit.

Vishuddha-Throat Chakra

Fifth – THROAT CHAKRA – communication, expression, freedom

Sanskrit: Vishuddha (purification)

Sanskrit Symbol Meaning: reflection

Location: base of the throat

Element: sound or ether

Color: blue

Sense: hearing

Deals With: communication, expression, taking responsibility for your own needs, speaking your highest truth, freedom, creativity, truthfulness, faith, self-knowledge, intuition, leadership

Physical Organs: neck, cervical vertebrae, throat, thyroid, parathyroid, trachea, vocal chords, esophagus, jaw, mouth, tongue, gums, teeth, shoulders, arms, hands

Emotional and Physiological Imbalances: issues with faith, decision making, will, criticism, personal expression, creativity, feeling isolated, speaking too little, shyness, not speaking truth, speaking too much, domineering, distancing, not listening, nervousness, short attention span, poor coping skills, fearful, anxiety, addictions

Physical Signs of Imbalance: scoliosis, sore throat, stiff neck, thyroid issues, voice loss and laryngitis, swollen glands and ailments of the esophagus and tonsils, jaw pain, TMJ, mouth ulcers, teeth and gum problems, teeth grinding, irritated sinuses and issues with the nasal area, hearing problems

Balanced Throat Chakra: centered, creative, expressive, conscious listening, positive self expression, constructive communication, contentment

Open and Heal Throat Chakra

Activities and Sensory Therapy: yoga, throat, voice, and breathing exercises, singing, gargling, nature walks, anything involving expression like engaging in conversation and writing, eating blue foods, wearing blue

Mantra and Elemental Sounds: HAM, birds and crickets

Yoga Postures: chantsneck stretches, and shoulder openers such as neck release, seated cat-cow, knees-chest-chin, fish, plow, legs-up-the-wall

Crystals and Gemstones: blue stones such as agate (blue lace), angelite, aquamarine, azurite, blue –  iolite, opal, quartz, sodalite, and topaz, chrysocolla, lapis lazuli, sapphire, turquoise

Essential Oils: chamomile, coriander, eucalyptus, frankincense, geranium, lavender, sage

Ajna-Third Eye Chakra

Sixth – THIRD EYE/BROW – intuition, wisdom, visualization

Sanskrit: Ajna (center of command)

Sanskrit Symbol Meaning: perception

Location: between the eyebrows

Element: light

Color: indigo

Sense: extra sensory perception

Deals With: self-knowledge, wisdom, intellect, ideas, thoughts, understanding, insight, intuition, dreams, visualization, clairvoyance

Physical Organs: eyes, ears, nose, brain, pituitary and pineal glands, neurological system

Emotional and Physiological Imbalances: issues with judgement, evaluation, discipline, and concept of reality, fear of truth, lack of concentration, learning difficulties, confusion, personality disorders, neuroses, panic, hallucinations

Physical Signs of Imbalance: glaucoma and other eye problems, hearing difficulties and other ear problems, scalp/hair issues, spinal conditions, headaches, migraines, seizures, neurological disorders, nightmares, depression

Balanced Third Eye Chakra: enhanced imagination, intuition, spiritual connections, inspiration, innovation, concentration, focus, allows you to follow your dreams and be present in the now, clarity of possibilities

Open and Heal Third Eye Chakra

Activities and Sensory Therapy: yoga, tai chi, creative visualization, creating a dream board, sitting in stillness in nature, light therapy, lying quietly with an eye pillow, exercises for the eyes, brain training exercises, logic puzzles, eating indigo foods, wearing indigo

Mantra and Elemental Sounds: OM, bells and chimes

Yoga Postures: meditation, guided visualization, and awakening poses like palming the eyes, dolphin plank, eagle, warrior III, dolphin, feathered peacock, child’s

Crystals and Gemstones: indigo and purple stones like amethyst, azurite, charoite, and fluorite, lapis lazuli, sodalite, high vibration stones like danburite, herderite, herkimer diamond, natrolite, petalite, phenacite, quartz, satyaloka, scolecite, sugalite, tanzanite

Essential Oils: bergamont, lemon, jasmine, mint, orange, vanilla

Sahasrara-Crown Chakra

Seventh – CROWN CHAKRA – awareness, enlightenment, spiritual oneness with all 

Sanskrit: Sahasrara (thousand petaled lotus)

Sanskrit Symbol Meaning: realization

Location: crown of the head

Element: thought

Color: violet/purple

Sense: empathy, unity

Deals With: spirituality, divine wisdom, intuitive knowing, connection to the universe, conscious awareness, imagination, optimism, enlightenment, integration of the whole

Physical Organs: top of the head, midline above the ears, brain, nervous system, pineal gland

Emotional and Physiological Imbalances: loss of identity, lack of purpose, no spiritual connection, loss of faith, fearful, rigid thinking, over intellectualizing, issues with selflessness, trust, values, ethics, devotion, inspiration, apathy, materialism, confusion, spiritual addiction to the point of ignoring your body

Physical Signs of Imbalance: light and sound sensitivity, headaches, chronic exhaustion, autoimmune disorders, depression, neurological disorders, epilepsy, dementia, schizophrenia

Balanced Crown Chakra: open-minded, thoughtful, intelligent, take in, understand and learn information more easily, unprejudiced conscious awareness of and deep connection within ourselves and to the entire universe

Open and Heal Crown Chakra

Activities and Sensory Therapy: yoga, meditation, tai chi, spiritual practices, prayer, chanting, eating purple foods, wearing purple, violet, and white

Mantra and Elemental Sounds: AH, silence

Yoga Postures: balancing poses such as standing prayer backbend, warrior I + eagle arms, revolved bound half moon, baby eagle, saddle, tree, lotus

Crystals and Gemstones: violet and white stones such as amethyst, clear calcite, clear quartz, herkimer diamond, high vibration stones like danburite, herderite, natrolite, nirvana quartz, petalite, phenacite, satyaloka quartz, scolecite, star hollandite quartz, stellar beam calcite, tanzanite, white heulandite

Essential Oils: frankincense, jasmine, lotus, neroli, rose, ylang ylang

Connecting the Chakras – Putting it All Together

Once we begin to learn what each of the seven major chakras govern, and the roles each play in our lives, it’s an understanding we can continue to build upon as we begin to connect with our body more, tune into what it’s telling us, and move into a more conscious, aware, and perceptive space. Energy is all around us and within us, and when the alignment is there, we feel it. I sincerely hope the tools provided in this article will be of great help to open up any blockages when they do show up.

Try this 7 Chakras Seed Mantras Cyclic Chanting Meditation: Root Chakra to Crown Chakra to Root Chakra

May your chakras be open and you feel the warmth of peace, love, and light! Namaste

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