Serrapeptase Reviews

Can Serrapeptase Significantly Reduce Your Pain and Inflammation? Don’t Miss This Review

If you or someone you know suffers from pain or inflammation you don’t want to miss this serrapeptase review.

Serrapeptase Reviews

More than ever, people are suffering with acute or chronic inflammation and many times it’s accompanied by discomfort or pain ranging from mild to severe, depending on the condition.

Whether the issue is an injury caused by a muscle strain or tear, or chronic back or joint pain, or conditions such as arthritis or fibromyalgia, you may be wondering if serrapeptase can produce reliable results when it comes to significantly reducing pain and inflammation.

The benefits actually go much further and are why serrapeptase is known as “a miracle enzyme” along with nattokinase. These two enzymes display fibrinolytic activity, which basically means they clear up excess fibrin or proteins in the body and arteries.

Why is is this so important? Because it’s essential to reduce the build up of scar tissue and adhesions, arterial plaque, blood clots, and to reduce inflammation in the body.

For more information on these two incredible enzymes, why they complement one another so well, and why I consider them to be superheroes see my article here.

What is Serrapeptase?

Serrapeptase is an enzyme produced by the silkworm used to dissolve a hole in the cocoon when it emerges as a moth. The ability to dissolve fibers of the cocoon explains the ability to dissolve fibrin within the body.

Even though it has been studied extensively and used for many years in Europe and Japan as a pharmaceutical it continues to be classified as a dietary supplement in the U.S.

While serrapeptase can dissolve dead protein matter, it can do so without harming surrounding living tissue, which is important since we want that good stuff to regenerate.

Who Can it Help?

Serrapeptase is excellent for people with acute and chronic pain, swelling and immobility from injuries, accidents or surgeries, helping to reduce pain, improve mobility and increase energy. It can also help to clear mucus and fluid from the body making it good for chronic sinusitis, allergies, asthma and edema.

Highlighted benefits of serrapeptase include:

  • Treatment of pain and inflammation due to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Pain treatment, size reduction, and dissolving of cysts or fibroids
  • Reduction of ear, nose and throat inflammation
  • Dissolving of scar tissue, including endometriosis and fallopian tube blockages
  • Dissolving of blood clots and arterial plaque
  • Treatment of pain and inflammation of varicose veins
  • Treatment of Lyme Disease
Serrapeptase Reviews-Carpal Tunnel

The last one I find extremely exciting since Lyme Disease is one of the most difficult things to treat. Researchers have discovered that biofilms build up around certain bacteria and form a barrier which immune cells and antibiotics are unable to penetrate. This makes the initial diagnosis many times hard to reach since Lyme’s appears to be “hidden” by these biofilms, and also makes symptoms difficult to treat.

Serrapeptase yields results as part of a protocol for Lyme’s because of its ability to dissolve the dead or damaged tissue like fibrin, the building blocks for biofilm, so that the beneficial immune building components are able to get in where they need to go to work.

Important Things to Look for in a Supplement

There are many brands of serrapeptase but there are three key things to look for when choosing one.

Enteric coating. Since serrapeptase isn’t able to survive stomach acid well, enteric coating is imperative to allow it to pass through the stomach before dissolving for the best absorption.

Serrateric™ or Serretia® coating. – Both are phthalate free enteric coating, important since many enteric coatings are made with HPMCP (hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose – phthalate) which is a fancy name for a type of plastic. It’s been banned in other countries but not in the U.S. with the exception of use in children’s products and toys in California only.

Potency. Serrapeptase supplements come in a wide range of potency. In terms of value I find the best option to be a high potency taken once daily.

Why Doctor’s Best High Potency Serrapeptase?

A physician-founded science-based supplement company, Doctor’s Best offers reliable, high quality products made with thoroughly researched ingredients manufactured in cGMP-certified facilities (Current Good Manufacturing Practice regulations enforced by the US FDA).

Doctors Best High Potency Serrapeptase

Furthermore, Doctor’s Best meets all 3 key criteria listed above for a serrapeptase supplement:

  • Serrateric™ phthalate free enteric coating
  • 120,000 SPU (serratiopeptidase activity units) per capsule
  • 90 veggie caps – suggested adult use: 1 capsule daily away from food, or as recommended by a nutritionally-informed physician
  • Non-GMO, gluten-free, vegan

Our Personal Experience With Doctor’s Best Serrapeptase

Using a variety of Doctor’s Best supplements over the years personally has always yielded tremendous results. Serrapeptase is no exception. You can also read how Doctor’s Best Nattokinase saved me from a health scare several months ago. So far, here is what we’ve experienced using Doctor’s Best High Potency Serrapeptase.

High potency serrapeptase has significantly reduced my Carpal Tunnel pain to the point of it being almost non-existent. If you have Carpal Tunnel you know the pain can get so bad that it wakes you in the middle of the night, so this improvement is huge. As a side benefit my sinuses and overall respiratory system are really clear these days.

The most significant improvement though, has been my significant others back and hip pain. For several months he has been suffering with intense lower back and hip pain. His job requires him to be very physical and in strenuous positions for extended periods of time. He suffers muscle strains and tears on a fairly regular basis. This last one had him in such unbearable pain it was seriously painful to watch.

No matter what he did, no matter what position, standing, sitting, lying down, stretching – he was in pain. Sleepless nights were spent trying to get comfortable, being awakened by sharp burning pains. It became so unbearable that he even went to the doctor to make sure something wasn’t going on internally with his organs like kidney stones or anything else.

Serrapeptase Enzyme-Pain

At the point he went to see the doctor he had been taking two high potency serrapeptase daily for a week and a half (double the recommended amount of one capsule daily).

After his blood work came back looking great, which was a win for how we try and take care of ourselves including the food we eat, supplements we take, and lifestyle we live :) he was cleared with a “clean bill of health” which was great but meant that he had to gut out this pain until he healed. Or did he?

Sent home with a prescription anti-inflammatory for arthritis (?!) and researching the side effects, he decided they were bad enough not to take it. With the pain still being severe, he decided to try one just to see if it brought him relief and not only did it make him feel weird, to his surprise it didn’t make a bit of difference in the pain.

With more research we found out that in situations where people were dealing with severe pain and inflammation they were increasing the amount of serrapeptase temporarily until the symptoms were controlled or gone. So he increased to three capsules twice a day and even added three more in the middle of the day when he could, for a total of six-nine per day.

Serrapeptase – Too Good to be True?

All I can tell you is that within a couple of days of starting this higher amount of serrapeptase his pain was finally starting to decrease. He was able to sit and move about and even sleep without being in constant pain. The burning pain became way less infrequent and he continues to improve more each day after just 3 weeks of taking serrapeptase.

We’re both a bit blown away to say the least. Is it too good to be true? This stuff really works!

He’s continuing the higher amount until he feels totally healed and then will come back to the recommended one capsule daily.

One thing I know about working with supplements for many years and taking them myself is that it’s rare to actually feel a difference in your body or improvement in an ailment in such a short amount of time. Still I’ve always thought that the average 3-6 months to see results on most supplements is great compared to how long it takes for ailments to develop.

But when you’re looking for fairly fast results and relief there are a handful of supplements, enzymes and herbs that really shine, and the enzyme serrapeptase has proven to be one of them.

Serrapeptase Reviews-Relief

Important Note: Although neither myself or my partner experienced this, it’s good to be aware that occasionally some people experience aches at the problem site(s) where there is dead tissue or blockages of arteries. This is a sign that serrapeptase is doing what it’s supposed to – “eating” away at dead tissue, and should be short lived. It can be compared to “die off” symptoms that may be experienced when cleansing or detoxing the body.

Important Note About Choosing to Increase Usage Amount: I am not a doctor, the above results we experienced were based on our individual decision, after much research, to increase the amount of serrapeptase short term. 

While this worked great for us I would suggest starting out with the recommended one capsule daily. If you feel you need extra support please make sure you have done enough research to make an informed decision. Should you choose to increase your amount, you may want to do so gradually. This is not to scare you, just to express the importance of listening to your body since each of us is different.

On the flip side, after getting the results they need some people take just one or two capsules weekly, or one every other day and so on for maintenance. Again, it all boils down to listening to your body and doing what’s best for your individual circumstance.

How to Use Serrapeptase

It’s important to take serrapeptase on an empty stomach. When taken with food enzymes concentrate on digestion, so for serrapeptase to circulate through the blood stream where it needs to go to properly work, it must be taken on an empty stomach.

What works best for us is to take it on an empty stomach first thing in the morning with at least 8 ounces of water and wait for a half an hour to eat anything. Or you can wait at least 1 1/2 hours after you eat and take it before going to bed. The key is 30 minutes before food and 1 1/2 hours after to get the benefits.

Are There Any Side Effects?

Although there are no known side effects in healthy people who use serrapeptase, it does thin the blood so individuals with bleeding disorders, taking prescription or herbal blood thinners, pregnant women and individuals with low blood pressure are not advised to take it. It is best to avoid taking serrapeptase at least 1-2 weeks prior to surgery.

It’s advised that individuals who have suffered intracranial bleeding, had neurosurgery, ischemic stroke within the last 6 months, recently suffered from major trauma, or ulcers, avoid supplementation. If you have any doubts, or are taking any prescription medications, seek the advise of your physician to be on the safe side.

Although rare, some elderly people who use serrapeptase over a long period of time experience gastrointestinal irritation.

DISCLAIMER: This article is for informational purposes only, and is not a source of medical decision-making advice. Full Disclaimer HERE

Final Thoughts

Serrapeptase can be an incredibly valuable supplement when it comes to supporting the blood system, breaking down and clearing out toxic substances, and significantly reducing pain and inflammation. The more I experience the incredible results of these natural enzymes to act upon pain and inflammation the more the idea of them being considered “miracle enzymes” doesn’t seem so far fetched after all.

I hope this review delivered the information you need to start significantly reducing your pain and inflammation and start feeling better soon. 

Did you know about serrapeptase before reading this review? Any experiences you can share? Questions? Leave them in the comment section below!

2 thoughts on “Can Serrapeptase Significantly Reduce Your Pain and Inflammation? Don’t Miss This Review”

  1. i’ve read about people taking Doctor’s Best’s serrapeptase sublingually under the tongue with much better effect, have you tried it that way ?

    1. Hi Pat, serrapeptase is most effective when absorbed in the intestine. For that reason I choose to swallow a capsule with enteric coating. I have not tried sublingual. Thanks for reading.

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