The benefits of nattokinase and serrapeptase are numerous and nothing short of amazing, at the core these two enzymes show incredible abilities to take down inflammation in the body like superheroes. Not all heroes wear capes.

Anyone up for Pac-Man? Check out this cute video explaining the role enzymes play in the body.
Benefits of Nattokinase and Serrapeptase – Inflammation Fighting Superheroes
Natto-ka-what and Serra-what-ase? Long names aside, these enzymes are an invaluable resource that show major results when it comes to taming a number of acute and chronic symptoms such as physical pain and discomfort, digestive issues, allergies, fatigue, as well as serious health conditions such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and many more degenerative diseases caused by excess inflammation or auto-immune conditions.
Both nattokinase and serrapeptase are classified as fibrinolytic enzymes, meaning their primary function is to eat away at excess fibrin that forms adhesions, growths, and scar tissue. To understand the importance of this we first need to understand what fibrin is, how it develops, and why our body is unable to handle it in excess.
Understanding Fibrin
Fibrin is insoluble protein involved in blood clotting, essential for wound healing it acts by depositing around the wound in the form of a mesh or spiderweb. To a certain degree, fibrin is useful for the body systems but too much causes the build up of scar tissue (including arterial plaque), blood clots, and inflammation accompanied by pain.
Scientific studies have shown the excess fibrin inhibits new tissue from regenerating through the protein matrix and weakens the body restricting joint and muscle motion and reducing internal organ size and function over time. It can also form in the kidneys contributing to high blood pressure, and in the brain contributing to poor brain function and senility.
As we age fibrinogen levels in the body rise and fibrinolytic enzyme activity decreases making it more difficult to counteract accumulation of fibrin contributing to the inflammatory conditions mentioned, along with other conditions such as fibromyalgia, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, fibrocystic breasts, and the hardening, shrinking, and decreased functioning of aging organs.
Meet Superhero Nattokinase

Nattokinase is a potent fibrinolytic enzyme derived from natto, a Japanese food made using fermented soy beans and good bacteria called Bacillus natto. It’s been used in Japanese culture for more than 1,000 years as a remedy for heart and vascular diseases.
Research in the 1980’s further verified its ability to clean out arteries and remove blood clots. It’s also known to lower blood pressure and reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol and increase HDL (good) cholesterol.
In a nutshell, nattokinase cleanses the blood of accumulated debris, making the blood less “sticky” promoting a normal blood viscosity level (the direct measure of the “flow ability” of blood) so that the body can function at an optimal level.
Within more recent years, more importance has been placed on blood viscosity and it’s correlation with all known risk factors for cardiovascular disease and how it is modifiable with naturopathic therapies.
Research has also shown nattokinase to exhibit four times greater fibrinolytic activity than the body’s primary anti-clotting enzyme plasmin. Japanese researchers have shown that 100 grams of natto exhibits the same fibrinolytic activity as traditional clot-dissolving drugs such as activase, urokinase, and streptokinase and can be taken orally instead of by injection with the effects lasting several hours longer.
Meet Superhero Serrapeptase

Serrapeptase is a powerful fibrinolytic enzyme produced by the silkworm and used to escape its cocoon by dissolving a hole in it. Although it’s classified in the U.S. as a dietary supplement, it’s been used in Europe and Japan for many years as a pharmaceutical.
It has the ability to dissolve dead protein material without harming surrounding living tissue, making it effective at eating away at excess fibrin in the body.
Serrapeptase eats away scar tissue, dissolves blockages, and decreases inflammation, and has been used with great success for joint, tendon, and ligament injuries or degeneration. Like nattokinase, serrapeptase has also been shown to dissolve blood clots and arterial plaque as well. Highlighted benefits of serrapeptase are:
- Pain and swelling treatment after injuries
- Treatment of pain and inflammation due to Carpel Tunnel
- Pain treatment, reduction of size, and even dissolving of fibroids
- Reduction of ear, nose, and throat inflammation
- Dissolving of scar tissue, including endometriosis
- Dissolving of blood clots and arterial plaque
By now you can see the important role fibrinolytic enzymes play in keeping inflammation at bay, breaking down excess fibrin (scar tissue), modulating the immune system, and cleansing the blood, making them true superhero enzymes.
After taking into consideration the numerous side effects of prescription medications it makes total sense why people choose to use nattokinase and serrapeptase as alternative treatments when it comes to inflammatory conditions and heart health.
Could Enzymes Be a Safer and More Effective Alternative to Drugs?
The side effects of prescription medications are no secret. Four years of researching natural health convinced Dr. James Howenstine, a board certified specialist in internal medicine who cared for office and hospital patients for 34 years, that natural products are safer, more effective and generally less expensive than pharmaceutical drugs. Here’s what he has to say about coumadin, one of the most commonly prescribed drugs for cardiovascular disease to prevent clotting:
“Numerous health experts have been concerned for years that coumadin was not effective in preventing vascular deaths but also has problems with occasional serious internal bleeding episodes. German researchers found out in 2005 that long term use of coumadin produced increased calcium in the aortic valve and coronary arteries when compared to patients not taking coumadin. Dr. Gary Gordon states that “every patient on coumadin is increasing the calcium content of all vascular tissues. The calcium content of arteries is now proven to be more dangerous than diabetes, elevated cholesterol or hypertension, we must now try to educate patients.” Patients taking coumadin can be easily moved to safer anticoagulant therapy.”

Interestingly enough, his recommendation on how to safely stop coumadin therapy includes the use of safe natural substances that have value in replacing coumadin, one of which happens to be enzymes including nattokinase, along with others you can read about here.
Another doctor states the dangers of putting patients on blood thinning medications right after a stroke, sharing an example of how it caused a major bleed in a man’s brain leading to a deadly follow up hemorrhagic stroke, and how to avoid massive strokes naturally, including the benefits of nattokinase (read here).
How Long Do Nattokinase and Serrapeptase Take to Work?
Studies have shown nattokinase to exhibit ability to dissolve blood clots within hours of administration. This is obviously not set in stone and may vary depending on the individual, which is why I personally include nattokinase as a daily preventative measure.
The effects of serrapeptase when used for inflammation and pain can be experienced rather quickly, if not almost immediately. But how about when dealing with blocked arteries? In the April 1997 Townsend Letter, Dr. Hans Nieper, one of the early researchers of serrapeptase, states that when used in patients with severe narrowings of the carotid arteries the first reliable results can be expected after 6-8 months and even up to 18 months later improvement was still observed.
If you’re willing to follow through with daily supplementation of nattokinase and serrapeptase for an extended period, you will be supporting your arteries to improve day by day, but keep in mind that cardiovascular disease doesn’t happen overnight and reversing the condition isn’t any different.
How to Find High-Quality Supplements
There are many nattokinase and serrapeptase supplements on the market but it’s important to highlight a couple things to look for in each enzyme so you are equipped to choose a high quality one.
- Non-GMO – Natto is made from soybeans, one of most common foods containing GMOs.
- Vitamin K2 removed – K2 activates clotting factors so if you have a tendency to clotting it could work against your efforts. Keep in mind though that K2 is essential for bones and reducing risk of calcium build-up in the arteries, so you still want to get it through food sources, or if you need to supplement, do so at a different time then natto.
- Enteric coated – Serrapeptase does not survive stomach acid well. Enteric coating is necessary to allow it to pass through the stomach before dissolving.
- Phthalate free coating – The flip side of enteric coating is that many times it’s made with HPMCP (hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose – phthalate) which is essentially a plastic and banned in other countries. In the U.S. it’s banned in children’s products and toys in California only. Look for products containing Serrateric™ or Serretia®, both phthalate free enteric coating.
- Potency – Serrapetase comes in a wide range of potencies, and in terms of value I look for a high potency taken once daily.
Doctor’s Best Nattokinase
- Non-GMO, gluten-free, vegan
- K2 removed
- 2,000 FU (enzyme activity in fibrinolytic units) per capsule
- 90 veggie caps – suggested adult use: 1 capsule daily between meals, or as recommended by a nutritionally-informed physician
Read my review of Doctor’s Best Nattokinase and find out how it saved me from a health scare.
Doctor’s Best High Potency Serrapeptase

- Non-GMO, gluten-free, vegan
- Serrateric™ phthalate free enteric coating
- 120,000 SPU (serratiopeptidase activity units)
- 90 veggie caps – suggested adult use: 1 capsule daily away from food, or as recommended by a nutritionally-informed physician
Read my review of Doctor’s Best High Potency Serrapeptase and how it significantly reduced pain and inflammation.
Doctor’s Best also offers a combination of Natto-Serra although it only offers 40,000 serrapeptase per capsule and the same 2,000 natto. But the suggested dosage of 3 capsules daily actually makes it less cost effective than taking them individually. Plus that puts natto up to 6,000 FU and I prefer to stay on the lower side. That’s just me. Choose what works best for you.
How to Get the Best Benefits With Nattokinase and Serrapeptase Supplementation
Both nattokinase and serrapeptase must be taken on an empty stomach to work properly. When taken with food or when food is still present in the stomach enzymes will concentrate on digesting your food. But when taken on an empty stomach they are able to circulate through the bloodstream which is exactly where we need them to go to break down fibrin and debri that cause inflammation.
I’ve found what works best for us is to take both enzymes first thing when we get up in the morning with at least 8 ounces of water, giving it 30 minutes to move through the stomach before eating, or taking it before bedtime at least 1 1/2 hours after we last ate. Find what works for you but to make sure your efforts aren’t sabotaged you’ll want to be sure and take these supplements on an empty stomach.
If you need to bring down pain and inflammation quickly, many people take higher therapeutic doses of serrapeptase short term without side effects. If that’s the route you choose I would recommend doing your research so you are confident with your decision, then once you experience relief you can go back down to the suggested use.
Important Side Effects or Contraindications
There are no known side effects in healthy people who use nattokinase and serrapeptase, but keep in mind they do thin the blood so individuals with bleeding disorders including hemophilia and hemorrhagic diathesias or any other coagulation issues, pregnant women, and individuals with low blood pressure are not advised to take these supplements.
These supplements should be avoided by individuals at least 1-2 weeks before surgery but there are mixed opinions on using them after. Some say serrapeptase in particular can help clear up scar tissue and stop lesions and adhesions from developing when taken 24 to 48 hours after surgery. Individuals who have suffered intracranial bleeding, had neurosurgery, ischemic stroke within the last 6 months, recently suffered from major trauma, or ulcers are advised to avoid supplementation.
There is caution that in elderly people who use serrapeptase over a long period of time, gastrointestinal irritation can occur, though rare. It also isn’t advised for individuals with a history of lung problems since, although rare, lung complications can occur since it thins mucus secretions.
It’s important to discuss with your physician before taking nattokinase or serrapeptase and use them under their guidance if you are taking blood thinners such as aspirin, coumadin or any other medicines or herbs that thin the blood, or any other prescription medication. Bottom line, it doesn’t hurt to talk to your physician just to be safe.
DISCLAIMER: This article is for informational purposes only, and is not a source of medical decision-making advice. Full Disclaimer HERE.
Final Thoughts
Given its reputation as a preventative approach to conditions leading to blood clots with a dose of only 2,000 FU per day, along with its resemblance to the properties in plasmin that dissolve fibrins directly, and its ability to display these benefits many hours past the time conventional clot-dissolving drugs display activity, nattokinase can be a potent treatment.
At around $10 for 90 capsules it’s much more cost effective than short acting synthetic blood thinners that can have serious side effects and cost as much as $1500 for a single dose.
When it comes to supporting the blood system, breaking down and clearing out deadly toxic substances, and fighting inflammation, nattokinase and serrapeptase are two serious forces to be reckoned with and an excellent addition to healthy diet, exercise and stress reduction as part of an anti-inflammatory protocol and cardiovascular maintenance program.
Here’s to a happy, healthy and inflammation free body!
Any experiences using these enzymes? Share and leave questions in the comment section below!
Jess, Thank you for writing this Article it had tons of great information for Nattokinase and Serrapeptase – I already knew a lot of it already but it was still cool reading it again and enforcing my reasons for using these enzymes. I currently was Diagnosed with a heart condition and I’m only 37, but I do blame the smoking and the horrible western diet for being in the situation that I am in – it was my fault. I saw that you were advising to take the Doctor’s Best brand of the enzymes, was hoping that they were good pills – I don’t want to waste money on buying pills that are just going to do nothing for me at all. I want the best for my money I can get especially with a Heart Condition I am trying to reverse. I wonder if you have heard anything about anyone Fasting and taking Natto and Serrapeptase —– I’m trying that now but can’t seem to find any information online about it.
Sincerely sorry to hear about your heart condition at such a young age, but I’m happy this helped reinforce your reasons for taking nattokinase and serrapeptase, and that I could share a good source with Doctor’s Best. Unfortunately, I do not have experience with or knowledge regarding fasting while taking these enzymes. I would suggest that you speak with your healthcare provider on that one.
On the plus side, if you already have, or are willing to make the necessary lifestyle adjustments such as quitting smoking, and adding more nutrient rich foods to your regular diet you are taking awesome steps toward improving your health and condition – I wish you all the best moving forward!
This is a REALLY BAD example:
“Four years of researching natural health convinced Dr. James Howenstine […] that natural products are safer, more effective and generally less expensive than pharmaceutical drugs. Here’s what he has to say about coumadin […]”
Coumadin is from cinnamon. In fact, cinnamon has enough naturally-occurring coumadin to be a threat to health, itself, if consumed in excess.
Thank you for your thoughts but unfortunately there is way too much evidence of side effects caused by prescription drugs as opposed to natural alternatives.
Chinese Cinnamon (Cinnamomum Cassia) contains a high level of coumarin and regular use can be toxic. Ceylon Cinnamon (Cinnamomum Zeylanicum, Cinnamomum Verum) contains around a thousand times less coumarin so much larger amounts can be consumed.
My husbands general practioner who is also an intregrative phycisian prescribed Serrapeptase to my husband who is also taking a statin and blood thinner. A year latter his cardiologist took him off of Serrapeptase without giving a reason. Now my husband feels worse than when he was taking Serrapeptase. He now gets winded after walking long distances. Is Serrapeptase generally safe to take with medications and sense he had no issues with it before while on these meds could he go back on them. Why would one doctor believe it would be good to take Serrapeptase and another take you off of it, yet you feel better when taking g it?
Hi Constance. I’m sorry to hear that your husband feels worse after being advised to stop taking serrapeptase, and I sympathize with your frustration of one physician recommending it and another not. Obviously I can’t say for sure or speak for the cardiologist, but due to the blood-thinning capabilities of serrapeptase, it is advised to take it under the supervision of your doctor when taking any type of blood thinner, so this could have possibly been the basis of his/her decision.
Unfortunately, since I am not a health care practitioner, I can’t advise whether or not serrapepetase can be taken while taking other medications. But I can tell you what I would do if I were in your shoes. If it were me, I would talk to the doctor about my concerns and the fact that my husband felt better while taking serrapeptase. I would inquire about the possibility of the doctor weening my husband off of the prescription blood thinner and supervising him with serrapeptase as a natural alternative instead. If I wasn’t satisfied with the results, personally I would seek the care of a physician that is open to using natural remedies and alternatives. Hope this helps and wish you and your husband all the best.
Many physicians operate with a heavy bias against any kind of alternative herbal, ethnobotanically based supplements, remedies and cures. You must always advocate for yourself because you know what works best in your body.
I developed deep vein thrombosis due to sitting for hours in one position ferociously coding on my computer. It really really hurts and my leg got super fat, tight and turned purple-blue. I went to the doctor and got Heparin followed by Warfarin; then had stomach pain and nausea and felt like crap. Got some Serrapeptase and Nattokinase. Doc says using those with Warfarin is dangerous. I said, Good cause I won’t miss the Warfarin at all. He just stared at me in his special way. It’s been over a week and the DVT is almost gone.
Hi Alan! Thank you so much for taking the time to share your awesome experience with nattokinase and serrapeptase…it’s nothing short of incredible! I just love stories like this, and although I’ve mentioned here in the post that it’s not recommended to take either enzyme simultaneously with other blood thinners without the supervision of a physician, I had to giggle at your reply to the doctor. Good for you for taking a stand with your health, it is your body after all.
A true testament to just how effective natural remedies are (my experience with nattokinase and possible DVT was similar to yours-the downside of working on computers!) minus all the nasty side effects of drugs. Best wishes with your health and continued results with natto and serra =) Take care!
Good for you.
My feeling exactly.
Do not forget the preventive dose going forward.
Sorry, but no way a DVT can be dissolved in a week or even a month. Let’s not mislead people. What you might have felt was a significant reduction in the inflammation/swelling, which CAN happen quickly… JMHO.
Hi Jess; thank you for your very informative article. I was switched from Coumadin to Apixaban for Atrial Fibrillation. Have taken Serapeptase (one dose on wakening and a second dose just before bed) with both blood thinners with no side effects such as bleeding or bruising. I didn’t know to discuss it with my doctor beforehand and am now reluctant to discuss it with him for fear of a knee jerk reaction to stop taking it. I am now considering adding Nattokinsse, one dose only, and now I know to watch very carefully for bleeding or bruising. If either occurs now or with advancing age (now 69) I will consider cutting my dose of Apixaban in half rather than stopping the enzymes. At that point I will discuss it with my doctor – in the meantime, I will add them both to my list of supplements that I give to each doctor every time I see them and see if I get a reaction. If I understand it correctly, after taking the double dose of Serrapeptase for about 6 months I should back off to just one dose a day for long-term self-treatment. Does it make any difference, to your knowledge, if one takes both enzymes together or one on wakening and the other before going to bed?
Hi Ken, I’m so happy you found the information useful! It’s a good idea to discuss it with your doctor before changing any prescription dosages, so they can assist you to avoid any possible side effects. Taking into account the combination of meds plus enzymes you’re currently taking, if it were me, I would probably take only one dose of Serrapeptase. But these are just suggestions based on what I would personally do in a similar situation. To answer your question, I have taken both enzymes at the same time and to my knowledge it seems to work just fine. Take care and wishing you much success with “enzyme therapy” =)
I have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called anti-synthetase syndrome which has resulted in my body attacking my lungs filling them with inflammation and leaving behind scar tissue.
I have been put on immunosuppressant medication and steriods but these dont really seem to be helping a lot and are doing more damage to me in other ways.
Would you reccommend trying these enzymes for my condition?
Thanks for your help
Chantelle, if I’m correct, it seems that this is a rare disease and I haven’t been able to find much in the way of resources about actual accounts of people taking serrapeptase or nattokinase for antisynthetase in particular. However, there is a decent amount of information on both enzymes being used as alternative treatment for IPF (idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis), which causes scarring of the interstitial areas of the lungs. Please do keep in mind that I have mentioned that serrapeptase can thin mucous secretions, so if this is a concern, it would not be recommended in that case.
Here is a very informative article written by an M.D. who shares his personal experience and test results using serrapeptase and natto for his IPF and his thoughts on the treatment. Although it is a bit of a long read, I encourage you to read it in it’s entirety so that you can make an informed decision for yourself and even refer your physician to the information so that they may help advise you moving forward with treatment. Hope this helps!
Hi Jess,
Thank you for your informative article.
I have a few questions (numbered) :
I just started nattokinase instead of prescription blood thinners…. since 18 months ago, I developed occasional afib (which puts me at risk for stroke) due to a congenital hole in my heart (asd) which was just fixed (closed with a device) 6 months ago at Stanford. The closure is successful but the afib has persisted, which the doctor predicted. I am 67 & the hole just got discovered 18 months ago… I never had symptoms before the recent afib. I am a total health nut and in very good health. I’m scared of all prescription drugs & even OTC stuff. I never take any of it. I eat a Paleo / Traditional (Weston Price) diet.
Question about Nattokinase :
1. I understand that Serrapeptase should be taken on an empty stomach and why. The label on my Nattokinase says to take it WITH a meal, is that correct?? ( NattoMax, Jarrow, 2/day according to my alternative doctor’s advice)
Another question :
My husband is taking Serrapeptase, (Source Naturals, 60,000 spu, 1 pill/day, occasionally 2 pills a day) for joint pain, severe foot injury 25 yrs ago, some heart issues.
He knows to take it on an empty stomach, but the label also says to drink at least 8 oz of water with it. He doesn’t always do that (if i am not there to remind him). He has big compliance problems!
2. How important is the water??
One more question :
My husband has had 2 bleeding ulcers which he was hospitalized for:
one was 25 yrs ago. one was 4 yrs ago, they thought the cause of the 2nd bleed was nsaids which he has stopped taking. Both bleeds were SUPER high stress periods. He is very sensitive, physically & emotionally, and he drinks WAY too much coffee and too often has some other unhealthy foods. He also does a lot of healthy things (we eat super healthy at home and cook a lot ) and we walk a ton. He is 74 and pretty strong. But he does have a lot of GI distress from eating some white bread and other junk, and also has some headaches. He feels good during the short periods where he abstains from coffee and junk.
He has quit coffee for up to 6 wks several times.
He has also quit wheat & corn products (we are living in Mexico now) and has successfully done several cleansing diets, but always goes back to the foods that make him sick… trying to moderate. He is good at abstinence, if he makes up his mind, but he can’t moderate the things he is addicted to. He tries to eat good… but he has serious compliance problems. I think it is actually about addiction. He is a sober alcoholic (almost 30 years sober). This is really more info than you need! Sorry :(
My question is:
3. Do you think taking serrapeptase is safe for him, given his GI issues, compliance problems and most of all…. bleeding ulcers in the past? He says he’s not bleeding now, so he thinks it’s ok…..
Sorry this email is so long!
Thank you,
(anonymous name….. please don’t use my real name since i gave you a lot of sensitive info about my husband)
My pleasure and I’m so happy the info was helpful. Sounds like you do a great job taking care of your health in ways that you have control over, so great job! And great job to your husband for almost 30 years of sobriety…that’s no easy feat and something to be really proud of! I will try and answer your questions as best as I can. It seems you both are managing to stay healthy due to good awareness despite some serious health conditions. That being said, consulting with a licensed health practioner whether it be an M.D of functional medicine or the conventional kind, is in your favor. Obviously it’s a very personal decision.
1. When any enzyme, including nattokinase is taken with food the focus is directed on digestion, which is why it’s important to take any enzyme on an empty stomach when you want the focus to be on reducing inflammation, or excess fibrin. I’m not sure why Jarrow is recommending natto with a meal but all the research points to taking it on an empty stomach. This is how we take it in our home and it has been working great for us.
2. Most natto and serra supplements are recommended on the labels to take with at least 8 ounces of water, which is what we do. It’s not a “deal breaker” by any means, but I figure we might as well…plus most of us can use more water anyway, so it surely can’t hurt :)
3. Regarding using these enzymes with a bleeding ulcer; in all the research I have done on natto and serra, neither are recommended for use with bleeding conditions, which is why it’s mentioned in this post and two others I have on the enzymes HERE and HERE. However, I’m just sharing the research.
You may already be aware of this but I wanted to share that fermented foods and the following supplements: L-Gluamine powder, probiotics, and aloe vera juice can yield great results when it comes to healing gut lining and greens powders are excellent alkalizers…just passing that along :) Hope this helps!
PS…. I just wrote you 3 questions… I thought of 1 more. My husband will often take serrapeptase in the morning. Drink the water, & then drink 2 cups of coffee. Is that ok?
I would try and keep the coffee away from the serrapeptase by at least a half an hour. In regards to the coffee, my significant other had gone back and forth in the past, but he finally quit coffee for good. He’s replaced the habit with things like matcha green tea and yerba mate. He really enjoys roasted yerba mate as it still gives him that coffee flavor minus the acidity and a much more clear and focused energy. Teecino is another great option for flavor but we like the energy boost of mate better. See if you can get your hubby to read this article? Take care :)
Really enjoyed your article. I am 65 and had a heart attack on 2/7/16. Had a stent in the widow maker. I was prescribed Clopidogrel, Atorvastatin, Carvedilol, Losartan, and a baby aspirin. I’m also a type ‘ll diabetic. I was taking Jamunet but had a bout of acute pancreatitis which I lasted about a month. Because of the side affects from the Jamunet and other oral meds I decided to try insulin at my doc suggestion. I’ve taking about 25 to 30 units a day, less if I work out. On June 30 my cardiologist told me I could stop taking Clopidgrel. He also told me to stop the Atorvastatin because of the terrible side affects. I’ve decided to try a systemic enzymes and a combination of supplements. I’m taking Qunal mega CoQ10 ubibuinol, youtheory Turmeric, CinSulin, Kirkland Krill Oil and Nature Made Diabetic Health Pack. I came across a systemic enzyme product called Braggzyme. Are you familiar with it? Also do you have any suggestions as to combination supplement products for heart and diabetes. I would like to minimize my cost . Any help, input or suggestion would be appreciated.
Hi Del, glad you enjoyed and thanks for reading. I am a fan of Bragg products and after looking over Braggzyme, it is something I would personally feel good about taking. Himalaya GlucoCare is a good formula to take a look at, it targets healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels. If you are still taking prescriptions I would talk to your doctor to make sure there isn’t risk of the meds interacting with supplements, just putting that out there to be safe, especially since I’m limited in the scope of what I can recommend. Hope this helps!
Thank you for your helpful replies.
Further question and a comment that might help you or others:
1.His ulcer hasn’t bled at all for about 5 years, so he feels that Serra and Natto are ok for him to take. Do you still think they are a bad idea for him?
2. We do go to an alternative MD. He suggested I take a strong dose of the Natto (along with 3 other supplements….all for blood thinning….. for when I get afib… I don’t have to take prescription blood thinners). I started to get dizzy after a couple of weeks and found on some website (it’s not on most) that Natto is not recommended for people with normally low blood pressure (me) because it will lower BP too low on those people. I am going to try 1 pill / day and see if I can not get dizzy (a main symptom of too low blood pressure). I think that is a good thing to warn people about. I would have bought Serrapeptase only, but now I want to use up the Natto I bought.
My pleasure B! I wish I could help more but I really must suggest that you speak with a licensed health care practitioner regarding the ulcer. And you are correct, because of it’s tendency to lower blood pressure, natto is not recommended for individuals with low blood pressure. I’m sorry you were not informed of that before you starting taking it and before you came to my site. It is mentioned in both of my posts under “important side effects or contraindications” for that reason. Take care :)
With a Mechanical Aortic Valve and Dacron Ascending Aorta, I commenced 2xDrs Best Natto-Serra as a preferred Warfarin-Marevan alternative, taken on emptiest stomach with water upon initial waking. Can you Please advise regards the life of anticoagulation-thinning effect.
See if you find what you’re looking for here, Laurie: and all the best to you!
This is a wonderful article about nattokinase and serrapeptase. I wanted to ask a question and also make a suggestion. Regarding Natto the food, yes it’s a soybean BUT it’s fermented soy which is different (and loads better for you) than American soybeans. I buy my Natto at the Japanese grocery store and it is most definitely NON GMO. As is most that I’ve come across. I elected to eat the Natto (which is a challenge all on its own because it’s godawful tasting) instead of taking Nattokinase because of the other healthful benefits.
My question is regarding the Serrapeptase. I’ve been taking 120k 3x’s a day for the last two weeks. I started it to treat a few large fibroid tumors because I just don’t want to have surgery. In addition, because of the tumors, I’d become insulin resistant and to top it all off I am anemic and have Candida. So I’m like a train wreck. It’s been a challenge and I feel like I’m on a merry-go-round but I’m determined to stop it!
The first night I tried to sleep after taking the large dose of Serrapeptase, my legs were literally buzzing so badly I couldn’t sleep! There were vibrations happening constantly. I knew to expect detox symptoms and die off symptoms but I can promise I’ve never felt anything like that. After that, it wasn’t quite as bad again but now whenever I lay down SOMETHING vibrates or buzzes….tonight it was my hips and the stomach area where my tumors are. I haven’t found anyone else reporting anything like that. I sometimes feel like everything is just alive! That is my question. Is this something that I should be concerned about? When i’m sitting upright, I feel a vague pulling sensation but when I lay down, everything intensifies. Today I felt the largest tumor and it seems to have split up. It’s not hard and protruding anymore, it feels like it’s flattened and grown wings so to speak…which seems like progress to me. By all means chew it up and break it down and chew up the rest please Serrapeptase.
I just wondered if anyone else can FEEL it working or if I’m alone with this.
Hi Joy! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and useful information regarding the fermented food natto. I can’t speak to your experience with serrapeptase as my partner uses it to manage back pain and I to manage carpal tunnel. This is the first I’m hearing of your type of experience, but hopefully it’s breaking up that fibrin for you. I, and I’m sure others, would be interested in an update at some point.
I started taking natto because I felt I was experiencing DVT (deep vein thrombosis) and I was shocked at how quickly it took away the pain in my leg in just a matter of days. A couple of short weeks later and the inflammation in the vein, and pain in my leg were completely gone and haven’t returned since I continue to take nattokinase regularly. Based on all the great comments here, no doubt people are experiencing incredible results with these enzymes!
I was diagnosed with a genetic blood condition called factor five leiden two years ago after having an open biopsy and being diagnosed with astrocytoma, a brain tumor. I developed pulmonary embolisms and was put on Lovenox (generic). I’ve suffered with numerous side-effects and finally called the FDA and company that makes it. They told me to stop it, despite my hematolgist saying to continue it for the past two, almost 3 years. My thyroid doctor recommended Natto-serra, which I just started 3 days ago. Did I make a good decision? I am onVimpat for seizure control.
WOW Stamatia! How scary that the FDA is the one who told you to stop the medication over your doctor. I’m happy to hear that a different doctor recommended natt-serra, as long as he/she is aware of your current health conditions and any prescriptions you’re taking, you’ve covered yourself. Ultimately it boils down to what you feel comfortable with. It just goes to show how important it is to do research and be proactive about our own health…great job and all the best!
Can a person come off of the blood thinner Xarelto and switch to
Nattokinase and serrapertase? I bleed so much with the slightest cut
and am concerned about internal bleeding.
Please consult your doctor. I don’t recommend coming off prescriptions without the okay and supervision of a doctor since there can be side effects.
I am not a Dr.but I do have experience with switching from Xarelto to Natto-Serra from Dr’s best.It has been 2 months now I feel better.I did this because I was having side effects from Xarelto for a dvt. But if you do decide to do this.make sure your first dose is taken at the same time you would have taken your normal dose of Xarelto this is very important to keep your schedule.Always talk to your DR but if yours is like mine.who sat there with a straight face and told me only Xarelto is the drug approved by the FDA for blood clots,I made my own decision.
Jacquie, how is this working for you now? How long were you on Xarelto, and how much longer were you “supposed” to be on it? Ten days ago I j got my hematologist’s reluctant approval on my stopping this monster-drug a few weeks early. (I have a DVT, now only residual clot, haven’t taken Rx drugs or OTCs for 45 years, and was told to stop most of my many natural supplements because they have blood-thinning properties, etc. After 9 weeks, I was a wreck = missing supplements plus fighting drug side effects. Ugh!!!)
Having just discovered studies with nattokinase (dissolved animals’ blood clots in 5 hrs!), I added nattokinase the day I quit Xarelto…. 1000 FUs twice a day (I like the smaller, divided dose, at least during this scary transition time). I’m using Enzymedica brand, which has various enzymes but not serrapeptase… however, I’m getting 80,000 units of serrapeptase in Enzymedica’s Repair Gold (or can double dose), which I’ve been taking for general maintenance. I use Dr’s Best for other supplements.
My blood pressure is normally 90s/60s low, but I monitor it at home and it’s not dropping TOO low. I’m not bruising, etc. despite all the blood-thinning properties of my normal supplements (even Vit D3 is a blood thinner, etc.).
I found this wonderful website by googling re: scar tissue (how to dissolve). I’ve been reading that DVT scar tissue can contribute to post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS), and I’m hoping to avoid that… maybe I can get this residual clot to completely clear. No scar tissue then?
Anyway, my hematologist, radiologist, and PCP are no help, and even a holistic MD was way off base about some things… so if anyone reading this has comments, I would be immensely grateful. I must have spent 100-200 hours researching, these past few months! THANK YOU Jess and all who’ve contributed here. Warmest wishes from CA. <3
Hi there, my formerly healthy husband (apart from occasional gout) contracted a superbug in 2013 and as a result of that needed an artificial heart valve installed (they never expected him to live long enough to have the operation) however he survived since then being on warfarin 3mg per day has literally made him so exhausted daily and he has developed high blood pressure as well I believe his compromised health is due to the meds especially Coumadin. I’ve bought the Nattokinase prior to learning about taking the Serrapeptase as well however he is obviously scared to venture off the warfarin which is understandable so I’m not sure what to do as he knows warfarin is not good for him at all. He has a coagucheck machine at home that I can buy strips for and self test his inr but not sure if that is conclusive enough or should we use the lab still. I can’t imagine his nor any other Doctor helping out so do you have any information or ideas please as he’s certainly happy to have survived but obviously doesn’t want to be reckless in any way either as inr and mechanical aloes are not child’s play.
As you said, Carla, the mechanisms that are being used for your husband’s health condition are not child’s play. As much as I totally understand where you coming from, coming off prescriptions can have serious side effects and and is usually approached as a gradual process that should be done under the supervision of a health care practitioner. Here is an article you may find helpful: Part of it covers how to safely stop coumadin therapy, which may be something to present to your husband’s doctor regarding the possibility of how he may safely stop warfarin. Hope this helps =)
I really enjoyed your article. My question, (and how I stumbled upon your article), is do serrapeptase and serrazimes work the same? Some companies sell serrazimes at a better price than serrapeptase; I do understand 1 is from the silkworm and the other is synthetic from fungus, I just can’t find anything definitive as to whether they work the same. Also, do you have any thoughts on the Solaray brand of Natto-Serrapeptase in one? Thanx for your opinion ?
Thanks for reading Renee and I’m happy you enjoyed the article. Personally we’ve had the best success with Doctor’s Best Serrapeptase derived from silkworm, which is also enteric coated (phthalate free) to withstand stomach acids for best absorption in the intestine. I cannot attest to the effectiveness of serrapeptase derived from fungus. Whatever you choose I would look for enteric coated and not with hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMCP – phthalate or plastic). You may also find my article specifically on serrapeptase HERE useful.
Soloray Ultra Strength Nattokinase Serrapeptase is enteric coated and does not list HPMCP as the coating. There are some solid reviews from people using it and although the active units are lower than Doctor’s Best, it is a reputable brand that has been around for a long time, so I would personally feel comfortable using it as supplement. Hope this helps!
Also, can I take it at the same time as my probiotic?
As long as it is on an empty stomach, I can’t see any reason why not.
Sorry to be blowing up your blog, but are systemic enzymes just as helpful as Natto-Serrapeptase? The Internet is sometimes too helpful, lol. You search 1 thing and it leads you to the next, and the next, etc….Thanx again
No problem at all! I know what you mean =) We’ve also had great success with systemic enzymes for pain management related to joint and muscle issues. My personal favorite is Wobenzym. But since I’ve personally experienced such great results with nattokinase (you can read about it here), I continue to take to it support heart and circulatory health. Take care!
Super happy I ran across this fine article while doing my research on Natto. Research started with with severe osteoarthritis of my right thumb joint. General doc sent me to a specialist that charged me big money to tell me they wanted to cut my hand open and remove a bone from my thumb and take a tendon from my arm for “cartilage” basically, then sew up my short thumb. LOL not so fast Dr. Evil.
Then my general doctor gave me Tramadol which is a low grade opiate pain killer. All it did was make me sleepy and not much else, so I decided to investigate further.
The road I went down was the inflammation road. Or better yet the anti- inflammation road. I now take MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane which is organic sulfur) (8 Grams/day crystals dissolved in water) (3 weeks in)
Inflammation road then took me to Serrapeptase and most recently Natto. Such great benefits to all of these natural substances above and beyond just the one you’re targeting. It’s basically miraculous claims and hard to believe. (or explain to someone else)
Hoping to get off whatever blood pressure and cholesterol meds I can eventually.. if possible. I’m just in my first 3 weeks, but I truly appreciate the good info because God knows I’ve spent hours researching these subjects and when enough things line up you get a feel for what’s real and what isn’t. Can’t wait for those lipid numbers come late February ;-) Thanks again.
Thanks for sharing your story Jeff! Especially for others who may be going through a similar one. Please keep us updated and all the best to you!
If you truly want to lower your LDL and Triglycerides, I strongly recommend Policosanol. This natural supplement is miraculous for busting bad cholesterol yet leaves the good cholesterol alone. I lowered my levels between 20-30 points after being on it for only 3 weeks taking just 1 pill. They recommend taking 2 pills a day (morning and evening).
My one doctor was shocked and wanted to know what I was doing to lower them. He had me previously try a low grade Statin which wreaked havoc with me and I had to stop taking it. Policosanol does wonders naturally with none of the terrible side effects of Statin drugs.
Thanks for sharing your results, Leo. For cholesterol in particular, I agree that policosanol can have a great effect. I will have to look into doing a review on it soon.
I have three questions regarding serrapeptase:
1) What is to stop serrapeptase from releasing soft-plaque that might result in a stroke when the ridged-plaque barrier is dissolved by serrapeptase?
Releasing soft-plaque that is trapped behind a ridged-plaque barrier in arteries creates an instant blood clot that may cause a stroke or heart attack.
Cardiovascular inflammation: a cellular view – how your immune system causes heart attack and stroke, Ford Brewer
2) Is serrapeptase a fibronlytic?
3) If it is, considering the below risk factors of nattokinase, why doesn’t serrapeptase pose the same risks as nattokinase?
“–Fibrinolytic agents are extremely dangerous. In years past, we used to treat heart attacks with intravenous fibrinolytic agents like tissue plasminogen activator, urokinase, streptokinase, and others. They have fallen by the wayside, for the most part, because of limited effectiveness and the unavoidable dangers of their use. Fibrinolytics are “dumb”: they dissolve blood clots in both good places and bad. While they might dissolve the blood clot causing your heart attack, they also degrade the tiny clot in your cerebral (brain) circulation that was protective. That’s why fatal brain hemorrhages, bleeding stomach ulcers, and blood oozing from strange places can also occur with fibrinolytic administration. Believe me, I’ve seen it happen, and I’ve watched people die from them.”
“If fibrinolysis truly developed with nattokinase, we would expect several deaths for every 100 people who take it, because that is the experience with any agent causing lysis of clots. ”, Dr. William Davis
“In one case, a person taking aspirin to prevent stroke along with 400 milligrams of nattokinase for seven days suffered an acute brain hemorrhage”, Y.Y. Chang, lead author for a case report from Taiwan’s Chang Gung Memorial Hospital that was published in the journal “Internal Medicine.”
Note that 400 mg is approximately 8000 units and “aspirin to prevent stroke” may be one baby aspirin (81 mg in the USA) per day. A common aspirin tablet is 325 mg in the USA.
Nattokinase is not approved in Canada for safety reasons. Serrapeptase is approved for use in Canada.
It sounds like taking nattokinase may be risky – especially in higher doses.
Nattokinase is taken on an empty stomach and is protected from stomach acid by an enteric coating to delay digestion thus allowing it to supposedly pass more efficiently into the blood stream in the intestines. Natto food does not have an enteric coating to protect it from stomach acid. Natto food also contains other proteins, fats and nutrients that may dissipate nattokinase’s fibrinolytic capability prior to complete digestion. Comparing Natto food safety or effective-constituents to Nattokinase supplements may not be valid.
2) Is serrapeptase a fibrinolytic?
2) Is serrapeptase a fibronlytic?
Thanks for clarifying that Ed. Knew what you meant.
Hi Ed, First, I encourage people to do their own research when it comes to supplementation to find out whether there are things like risks, side effects, or contraindications involved. These are some good questions here, although I would encourage anyone not just to take the quoted portions here at face value but instead to look into them in their entirety and go to the links sited to get every last word of them and each message in it’s entirety, as it can easily get misconstrued when only bits and pieces are read, watched, or listened to.
Second, I do not claim to be a doctor or give medical advice on this site, which is also mentioned, along with the importance of taking supplements including Nattokinase and Serrapeptase, under the direct care of a licensed health care practitioner in this post. I can only share what I’ve had success with for those who are also looking for a holistic approach to their health. In the end we each have to make our own personal decision as to what is right for us. Please do note that in addition to my personal experience, there are a few studies and research on these enzymes from medical doctors sited and linked here in the post, as well as side effects and contraindications. Take care =)
I had a pulmonary embolism and a blood clot in my groin after a vein ablation procedure,I injected heparin twice daily for a month,then went on Xarelto,both clots dissolved.My doctor had my blood tested and said I have anticardiolipin syndrome,and to take Xarelto the rest of my life.I read about serrapeptase a few years ago and nattokinase recently,when I found the Natto-Serra mix,I decided to try it.Can you tell me if it is efficient with my condition and how much should I take daily.The bottle says one a day.Thanks.
Hi Jody, The information shared on this website, including this post is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used as medical advice, nor to diagnose or treat health conditions. To have your question answered I would recommend you consult with your physician or licensed healthcare practitioner. I wish you the best with with your condition and hope you are able to get some clarification.
When you take natto if you have a serious cut how do you prevent bleeding
Chris, in my experience I would treat it the same way as when I wasn’t taking nattokinase. That said, nattokinase is not recommended for individuals at risk for or who have any conditions associated with excessive bleeding, or are taking blood thinners of any sort. It’s also advised to stop nattokinase 1-2 weeks prior to surgery. Individuals who have suffered intracranial bleeding, had neurosurgery, ischemic stroke within the last 6 months, recently suffered from major trauma, or ulcers are also advised to avoid nattokinase supplemenation. Hope this helps.
Thank you so much for your article… Can you help clarify the comparisons between the different types of Enzymes?
It seems the top 3 are
and Serrapeptase..
I’ve heard from a leading Naturopath that LUMBROkinase is better than the Nattokinase because it’s more potent and less problematic for gut….???Apparently the raw natto is fine but the extract has impact on the gut lining…
Both also help break down the defensive BIOfilms that aggressive bacteria like the Lymes ones develop around them to protect against anti-microbials. Therefore enzyme therapy is step one in effective anti microbial therapy….
You also then need to be able to carry this stuff out of the blood !!
Also have read great things on SYSTEMIC enzymes but not sure on how all these fit together..
Which to take .. how much.. in what combo…. to alternate or at once…?
It’s an enzymatic puzzle!
Since each of our bodies and health are so different there is really no “one size fits all” approach with enzyme therapy. All three enzymes have strong points, but ultimately you have to decide which one(s) are right for you. Here is a study documenting comparisons between nattokinase and lumbrokinase and the effects on whole blood viscosity reduction…maybe it can help? Naturally (as noted), enzyme strength can vary between products.
Click here for Page 1 and click here for Page 2.
Also, in researching lumbrokinase there is the thought that effectiveness may be interfered with when taken at the same time as another enzyme product. So it may be a good idea to take other enzyme products at least 2 hours before or after lumbrokinase.
Hi Jess and thanks for the informative article.
I’ve just started on Nattokinase & Serrapeptase combo and wanted to know if it’s ok to take with my morning Bragg’s apple cider vinegar & warm water?
My pleasure, Teresa. I would recommend taking it separate from your apple cider vinegar since it helps the stomach produce more acid which is great for digestion and heartburn but not so great when you want that supplement to get down to your intestine where it needs to absorb as intact as possible. Hope that helps! You may enjoy more info on ACV here:
I have DVT from last 20 years, I am taking Warfarin 5mg daily from last 16 Years before that i was taking other
anticaogulate. My age is 37years. Right now i have DVT
ulcers on both my legs and i got immense pain when i do my work, I am chemistry teacher.
I am doing research on Natto(from internet) from last one years , but i am not confident enough to use it. Please suggest what to do .
Please talk to your doctor about the use of nattokinase before starting it. It’s possible he/she may work with you.
Hi. I have a chest port and that has become clogged with a fibrin sheath. My dr said natto might help breakdown the fibrin. Have you heard of this being effective for this type of problem? Thank you.
Wow Jill, it’s difficult to find doctors who are on board with natto, so this sounds like a good thing to me. You’re the first to share this particular health issue but it would be great for others to hear what you decide and your results. Thank you!
I’ve switched back to a natural path! Some questions embedded below; thank you for reading this…
Ten days ago I got my hematologist’s reluctant approval on stopping the monster-drug, Xarelto, a few weeks early. I have a DVT (misdiagnosed for 10 weeks), recent ultrasound showed only a residual clot. I haven’t taken Rx drugs or OTCs for 45 years — and was told to stop most of my many natural supplements because they have blood-thinning properties or might compromise the drug. After 9 weeks, I was a wreck — missing health-giving supplements, PLUS fighting the drug side effects. Ugh!!!
I just discovered studies showing nattokinase dissolved animals’ blood clots in 5 hrs! I added nattokinase the day I quit Xarelto…. 1000 FUs twice a day (I like the smaller, divided dose, at least during this scary transition time). I’m using Enzymedica brand, which has various enzymes but not serrapeptase…
HOWEVER, I’m getting 80,000 units serrapeptase in Enzymedica’s Repair Gold ( can double dose), which I’ve been taking for general maintenance (reducing my CRP, or systemic inflammation). I use Dr’s Best for other supplements.
My blood pressure is normally 90s/60s low, but I monitor it at home and it’s not dropping TOO low. I’m not bruising, etc. despite all the blood-thinning properties of my normal supplements (even Vit D3 is a blood thinner!).
I found this wonderful web page by googling re: scar tissue (how to dissolve). I’ve been reading that DVT scar tissue can contribute to post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS), and I’m hoping to avoid that… maybe I can get this residual clot to completely clear. No scar tissue then? Anyone know about this?
Anyway, my hematologist, radiologist, and PCP are no help, and even a holistic MD was way off base about some things… so if anyone reading this has comments, I would be immensely grateful. I must have spent 100-200 hours researching, these past few months! THANK YOU Jess and all who’ve contributed here. Warmest wishes from the CA coast. <3
My pleasure Nancy! Great job on your research and being proactive about your own health and thank you so much for your comment. Hoping people will chime in with some feedback here. Take care =)
I was diagnosed with Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. After a two-week stay in the hospital, I was home with oxygen. I was still coughing badly, breathless and my chest pain was ongoing. I had a heart attack six months ago. I’m 69, female, and no longer working. I lost 36 pounds in 1 month as my coughing causes me to vomit non-stop! I was so tired. My blood pressure has always been high; it averages at 193/88, I was on minimum daily dosage prednisone (7.5 mg), azathioprine and N-Acetyl. They put me on 6 liters of oxygen and steroids. The pulmonary doctor told me that I was going to die and said there was nothing he could do for me,I started on Natural Herbal Gardens IPF Herbal formula treatment in June 2017, i read alot of positive reviews on their success rate treating IPF disease through their Herbal formula and i immediately started on the treatment. Just 7 weeks into the Herbal formula treatment I had great improvements with my breath and my chest pain was no more. I am unbelievably back on my feet again, this is a breakthrough for all Pulmonary Fibrosis sufferers, visit Natural Herbal Gardens official website
Wow Debbie, that’s a lot to go through! Thank you for sharing your story and how cool is it that you found something that is working for you holistically…just amazing, I love it. Seems I’m having a difficult time finding any information on the product or source you mentioned, but if it’s something I can get behind I would love to pass it on here if you can provide a link or way to access it. Thanks so much and all the best with your health.
It sure is nice to know that nattokinase can cleanse the blood of accumulated debris and make the blood less “sticky”, promoting a normal blood viscosity level so that the body can function at an optimal level. One of our relatives has diabetes, which was probably caused by her habits. Seeing that it has an effect on one’s blood, I’ll mention this to her so that she can try out this product and observe how it can impact her condition.
Sounds great James, and hope this helps. Pertaining to diabetes, I just published another post you may find informational as well:
Take care!
Are these products effective treatment to stall or eliminate purple toe syndrome?
I have developed a scar in my retina , after @ 8 years of doing a laser treatment for CSR ( leakage of fluid )
Will the combination mentioned help ?
Both I and my wife have pig/cow aortic valves for 1-3 years. Will serrapeptase, nattokinase, lumbrokinase, or any of the other proteolytic enzymes (like Wobenzym N formula) deteriorate (EAT!) these valves?
Thanks for the article ~ I have been taking this for about 2 months since reading this information. Not sure it has helped me, but will continue.
The reason I am writing is I have just introduced Chlorine Dioxide to my supplementation. I mix the 2 parts of CD into all my purified drinking water and curious if you think it will neutralize the effects of serrapeptase & nattokinase when I take it with the CD in my water (still on an empty stomach)? Watch this video and let me know what you think. Thank you, C Me
Hi, and thanks for your question. I can only speak to the use of the natto and serra and in my experience it is best to take them on an empty stomach away from other supplements. Personally we take it with plain purified water, nothing added. And, as always, it may take some time for you to experience the potential benefits of many natural supplements. Stay safe and well!
Hi, Jess, thanks for the info… I have done a LOT or reading on these enzymes… and still am not sure about nattokinase vs lumbrokinase…
I defeated a serious DVT in my leg, slightly above the knee, in 3 months with Lumbrokinase (Boluoke brand) and Serrapeptase… I have a one mutation Leiden V, supposedly… (I read testing is inconsistent)…
I get from my reading that nattokinase (NK) has several benefits that lumbrokinase (LK) does not, like lipid and BP reduction… but lumbro is many times stronger than NK (or serra)…
But now teh clot is defeated,,, I am thinking of switching to NK instead of LK… and continuing with the Serrapeptase… as my LDL is a little high…
Does this switch sound good to you? And should I stop the LK for a few days before beginning the NK? thanks!
Dr Jack Wolfson best doctor to see on natto-serra read this book it’s free ….. he’s cardiothoracic surgeon
Nattokinase works extremely well as a treatment if you have been Pfizered too many times with the gene therapy shots and boosters. If you are micro-clotting from spike protein in the blood, the natto will stop the clotting and potentially save you from having a stroke while behind the wheel or while walking or jogging for exercise.
In late March 2023, I woke up with a painful knot about 4″ behind one of my arthritic knees. It started off as a tightness and over days the pain was so bad, I couldn’t walk, bend the knee, or stand for long. Not sure why this happened, but after trying to rid it for one week through elevation, taking one aspirin a day, using a heating pad, applying magnesium rubs and massages, those things did nothing. Plus I was not able to walk more than a few feet, due to the stiffness and pain. I didn’t want to see an allopathic practitioner so thought to try serrapeptase, just to see if that would help. We’ll after 1 week of trying to figure it out and 3 more weeks of being on serrapeptase, once a day in the morning 30 mins. before eating and on an empty stomach and taking it with liquid chorella in drinking water that is chlorine and flouride free…the knot and tightness has gone away. I also took one magnesium supplement with my brunch, nutritional yeast in my plain yogurt, and one Coq10, Mind you, I only ate small meals twice a day, brunch and dinner, no coffee and no alcohol, drank lots of bone broth and homemade soups and did intermittent fasting, which means I ate at 11:00 a.m. every morning, my brunch, and dinner at 6 p.m. Went to bed early everynight 8:30, and started this regimen the next day. This week, May 1st, I decreased the serrapeptase to every other day in the morning and have stopped adding the liquid chorella to the drinking water. I have resumed my activities, plus doing a small bit of gardening and experience a bit of muscle pain that goes away by the next day. I have increased my meals to 3xs a day and am also drinking a collegen powder smoothie with a small bit of fresh tumeric and ginger, celery stalks, cucumber and apple or carrot juice. I”m over 60 and was diagnosed with severe OA in both knees 5 yrs ago. I am not on any prescription meds yet…..Only time will tell if this potentially DVT problem comes back. So far so good!!! Plus the pain and stiffness in my OA knees has decreased enough to allow for a bit more mobility than I used to have.
Thank you for sharing this and wishing you all the best with your health!