Yep, I said it… coconut oil can be used for pretty much everything under the sun. You might think that sounds like quite an exaggeration, but this post alone shares a whopping 50 uses for coconut oil, and after reading this you’ll see that the options really are seemingly endless.

It’s no wonder that in the Philippines the coconut palm is highly valued as the Tree of Life, it’s wide variety of uses have been enjoyed as part of everday living for thousands of years. It truly stands out as a natural wonder, capable of remedying all kinds of ailments, and nourishing wellness in a multitude healthful ways.
Coconut Oil and Saturated Fat Explained
Before we get to the uses, I feel it’s important to address the saturated fat in coconut oil, since the fear of consuming saturated fats is huge and we are taught to avoid them at all costs. While it’s true, we’re better off avoiding most types of saturated fats, in order to have a better understanding, we must first understand the different types of saturated fats and how their reaction within the body varies.
The reality is that most saturated fats and oils we eat are comprised of long-chain-triglycerides (LCT) which make your digestive system sluggish and are stored in the body as fat. Easy to understand why we don’t want that.
Coconut oil, however, is different in that it is composed of medium chain triglycerides (MCT). Unlike bad fats, MCT molecules are smaller making them easier for the digestive system to break down and are more readily absorbed, and converted by your liver into energy as a clean, healthy source of fat.
MCT also boosts metabolism by providing your cells with energy which can increase endurance, lead to quicker recovery time, faster healing of injuries, healthy immune system function, and aid in weight loss.
Many studies have also shown coconut oil to actually contribute to healthy cholesterol levels and promote overall heart health. It has been shown to support thyroid and brain health, especially exciting is more recent research being done regarding the potential benefits of reversing early stage Alzheimer’s.
Natural Defense Against Harmful Microbes
Lauric acid is one of the medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA) contained in breast milk, providing the baby protection against harmful microorganisms. These fatty acids help develop nice strong immune systems. Interestingly enough lauric acid is also the main MCFA in coconut oil.
This acid is the main shield of defense, and destroyer of all sorts of microbes from viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites, which is why coconut oil is so beneficial in the treatment of things like candida, yeast infections, allergies, skin conditions, and more.
Refined, Unrefined, Virgin & Extra Virgin???
For internal use, organic unrefined (which means not processed), extra virgin coconut oil is the way to go. If you choose, for external use, refined or virgin will do.
If you’re looking to try a smaller size, this coconut oil is great. And for a nice large size, this coconut oil is fantastic. Both taste great, have a pleasant odor, and mix well in DIY projects. I usually go big since it doesn’t go rancid, it saves money in the long run, annnddd I use it for pretty much everything : )))
And if you like to nerd out on research like I do, a long-standing reference on this amazing super food The Coconut Oil Miracle is worth the read.
Now for the fun part! Here are 50 ways you can use coconut oil and why I always keep it on hand in my kitchen pantry.
Uses for Coconut Oil in the Kitchen
1. Saute with it, has a high heat point and will not become damaged, and doesn’t go rancid.
2. Bake with it.
3. Put it in smoothies.
4. Spread it on toast or baked goods instead of butter, or on crackers with almond butter.
5. Add a spoonful to your tea or coffee to balance blood sugar.
6. Eat a tablespoon plain for a quick energy boost.
7. Add into oatmeal, hot cereals, raw energy balls, and raw truffles.

For Personal Care
8. Oil pulling. Take a spoonful of oil and swish it around in your mouth, pushing, and pulling it through your teeth for 15 minutes. This will pull out bacteria and debris so be careful not to swallow any oil before spitting it out. Rinse your mouth with water. In the morning, before breakfast is the best time. To maximize your efforts, do twice daily.
9. Toothpaste. Mix 4 Tbsp coconut oil with 1 Tbsp baking soda and store in a container for a quick fluoride free anti-bacterial toothpaste. Or try my all natural toothpaste recipe.
10. Deodorant. For a quick fix mix 6 Tbsp coconut oil, 4 Tbsp baking soda, and 4 Tbsp arrowroot powder or cornstarch, add essential oils if desired and store in a jar or old deodorant container. For a stronger version try my homemade deodorant recipe.
11. Makeup remover. Apply to a cotton ball or moist washcloth and gently wipe off makeup.
12. Facial wash. Massage a dollop into face and neck. Run a washcloth under hot water and place it over your face gently removing oil, and let skin air dry.
13. Facial Scrub. Mix equal parts oil with oatmeal and a drop of your favorite essential oil for a quick, gentle scrub.
14. Facial moisturizer. Apply a dollop to cleansed skin.
15. Apply around eye areas and gently massage into lashes to promote growth.
16. Cuticle cream. Massage small amount into cuticles to soften dry areas.
17. Use as a base in homemade soap recipes.
18. Body Scrub. Mix with organic cane sugar in a glass jar for a spa treatment.
19. Body moisturizer. Rub into body concentrating on extra dry areas like elbows, knees, and feet. Or try my whipped body butter recipe.
20. Lip balm. Apply small amount to lips as moisturizer. Or try my fiercely moisturizing lip balm recipe.
21. Deep conditioning treatment for hair. Rub oil into dry hair from scalp to ends, pin up, and put on a shower cap for an hour to overnight and wash as usual. For split or dry ends you can also rub some into just the ends of washed hair before going to bed, it will absorb by morning, with no need to rinse or wash out.
22. Use to shave face, legs, underarms, and bikini lines with. Soothing and antibacterial to help heal nicks faster.
23. Diaper cream. Apply to baby’s bum as a natural antibacterial and soother.
24. Pregnant belly balm. Massage into belly to prevent stretch marks and relieve itchy skin. My whipped body butter recipe is great for existing stretch marks or preventing them.
25. Nipple cream. Soothe dry or cracked nipples when breastfeeding.
26. Natural personal lubricant.
27. Massage. Add lavender for relaxation, orange for invigoration, and eucalyptus for sore muscles.
28. Natural SPF, but only 4. For higher SPF try my homemade sunscreen recipe.
29. Insect repellent. Mix essential oils like citronella, geraniol, neem, tea tree, and lemongrass with coconut oil for a natural bug repellent.

As a Natural Remedy
30. Topically for athlete’s foot, toenail fungus, or ringworm. Internally for vaginal yeast infection. You can mix in a small amount of tea tree or oregano oil.
31. Mix in a small amount of oregano oil and apply to cold sores at the first sign of one.
32. Apply to skin rashes or irritations, psoriasis, eczema, acne, bug bites, stings, cuts, and scrapes. Works great mixed with activated charcoal.
33. Perineal massage. Starting a month or so before your due date, massage oil into perineum daily to reduce risk of tearing/the need for an episiotomy. Continue to apply after birth to speed healing.
34. Add a small amount of lavender to oil and apply to hemorrhoids for relief and healing.
35. Place a couple of drops into each ear for ear infections. Or try my homemade garlic ear oil.
36. Mix with a couple drops of eucalyptus oil as a decongestant vapor rub. Important: Eucalyptus oil should not be used on children under the age of 10 years.
37. Use with apple cider vinegar for a head lice treatment.
38. For cradle cap, gently massage into baby’s head, leave on for a few minutes, then rinse gently with a warm washcloth.
Around the House
39. Season cast iron skillets.
40. Condition wooden cutting boards.
41. Non-toxic homemade wax melts make the house smell great.
42. Condition leather furniture or goods. Test a small area first.
43. Use in place of WD-40 to lubricate hinges, and other metal parts.
44. Remove tar from feet (great for beach days:)
For Internal Health Benefits – Eat 1-2 Tbsp a Day
45. Boost metabolism.
46. Boost brain power and healthy moods.
47. Support thyroid function.
48. Increase energy and mental alertness.
49. Promote healthy hormone production.
50. Last but not least, let’s not forget our furry friends. It’s great for both dogs and cats. I give my cat 1/2 tsp a day to prevent hairballs, keep her skin healthy, and her coat soft and shiny. She comes running when she hears the lid opening and licks it right off my hand.
Happy, healthy coconut-oiling!!! And don’t forget to share some of your favorite ways to use this amazing superfood in the comments below!
I never knew there was so many uses for coconut oil. I’m specifically interested in the toothpaste one. Does that work well? Is there a specific way to store it so that it doesn’t go bad? Does it go bad?
I know, it’s pretty amazing stuff! The toothpaste is awesome, it’s great at killing bacteria in the mouth/gums and the baking soda whitens your teeth. If you’re transitioning from conventional toothpaste, give yourself some time to adjust to the flavor not being minty, and the fact that it doesn’t foam. But once you do you’ll notice your mouth feeling a true clean rather than those other “fancy ingredients” giving a false sense of clean. I just store mine in a small glass jar in the bathroom, no special storage needed, the ingredients don’t go bad but it’s better to make it in the smaller batch suggested so it stays fresh. Hope this helps. Good luck!
Hi Jess!
Thank you for sharing the amazing treasure that is the coconut oil!
I’ve been using it for the last three years in cooking and I am not changing it for the world.
I was pleasantly surprised with all the other awesome uses you present in your article. I definitely didn’t know you can use it for ear infections!
For sure George! It’s great to hear that you cook with it. Yes, there are so many uses for coconut oil. We have used it for ear infections with great success :)
This looks amazing! It’s great to learn about so many uses for coconut oil. Great job.
Thanks Michael! I hope you will benefit from them :)
Hi Jess, I love all things coconut!! it really do view it as tree of life material. I love the all natural coconut sugar products. Thanks for sharing!!
My pleasure, Vic! Coconut sugar rocks. Nice to meet a fellow lover of all things coconut :)
My mother likes to put the virgin coconut oil in her hair :)
What coconut dish is your favourite? mine is called “laing” in the philippines.
Well as they say, moms know best! I love putting coconut oil on sprouted grain toast with almond butter, as far as dishes go my favorites are any type of coconut milk curries. I fell in love with them while traveling in Thailand and Malaysia. Are you from the Philippines or live there currently? If so, you must get to enjoy the freshest coconuts! I looked up laing, it looks delicious, definitely something I would enjoy. Thanks for sharing :)
Very good article Jess! I personally love coconut oil. Initially, I didn’t like the smell, but now I love it. I like using coconut oil on my hair as a pre-poo (a treatment before I shampoo) or after I wash my hair to lock in the moisture. Coconut has been scientifically proven to prevent Hygral Fatigue and protein loss on the hair. So it will help protect your hair against being wet too often (which leads to loss of elasticity and high porosity) and from external damage (chemical, environmental, shampoo use, etc). I have curly hair so it’s very fragile, but using coconut oil helps to protect it. You can’t go wrong with it.
Thanks Ana! I’m so happy to hear that you love coconut oil. Thank you so much for sharing these fantastic uses for it and shedding some light as to why it works so well for hair care :)
I had no idea of the multitude of benefits that the humble coconut has. My other half uses coconut lip balm and body moisturizer all the time, and we always use loads of coconut soap.
Interesting article, and a lovely website – love your logo!
Thank you for taking the time to comment, Rob! I hope you two continue reaping the benefits of your coconut products for a long time to come :)
I had no idea there were quite so many uses! Perhaps you can add in there that it is great for baby’s cradle cap and dry skin :) Worked a charm on my son.
Hi Lynn! Glad I could share some more uses for coconut oil with you. I’m so glad you mentioned cradle cap, it’s actually #38 on the list, so it’s great to hear that you had success using it for that on your son. Thanks for sharing :)
Great article, I’ve personally seen some amazing benefits with coconut oil. Anyone interested in natural medicine should definitely check out the ebook “10 super herbs that will change your life forever”. I tried a few of the herbs from that book and my life has changed completely :)
That’s fantastic to hear Carly! Thanks for sharing that info :)